Monday 13 July 2009

Thank You Jodi...- I'm A Witch...

A really big Thank You to Dear Jodi over at Creager Studio's.
Jodi said she'd make me into a Witch if I sent her a couple of pictures. So I did and this is the result. When I opened the email's I could not stop laughing. Aren't they brilliant.
I'm going to have to do a scrapbook page for my album of these.
I emailed Jodi to thank her and said I think I must have been a Witch in a previous life as the outfits seem to suit me... LOL..

What one's your favourite?


OK so lots of you have asked on the comments which is my favourite well I do really like a few.
I like the second one from the bottom it looks aged and I love the fur collar and then the First, Second and Fourth from the top.
Thanks again Jodi the boys said in the top ones, it looks like I'm wearing Professor McGonagall's Hat.. LOL..


  1. Debbie,you look fantastic as a witch and my favourite is the last one.
    It's quite strange because last night i had a dream, and in this dream Jodi had made you a witch.
    I must have been thinking about the pictures she did for me and Kat and it must have been in my head who's next?
    If i think about the time difference while i was dreaming this perhaps jodi was witching you up at the same time.
    I'm spoked now. So Spooked!
    Plus a bird just flew in my house and i'm sure its some kind of omen... oh lol.
    Spooky times!

  2. LOL Nikki.. Spooky!
    Aren't they great I'm so pleased with them.. xx

  3. Lovely debbie, I agree with Nikki, the last one is the best. If only true witches were as sweet as you are
    Big hugs Rosanna

  4. I have to say Rosanna & Nikki that although the bottom photograph is Cute its not my favourite..x

  5. What a hoot! Truth be told, Debbie, I like you as the "traditional" witch..either pic 2 or 3. A little prim but still very sweet.

  6. They are all great, but I think I like the second to last best. I love the fur collar and I like the haziness of that one too. How fun!

  7. Hi Debbie... posted them ALL!!! ...COOL! OK.. you said which is 'not' your, which one is? I still want to find the perfect 'full' body for you...but for some reason...your portrait needed to be just that... a true Old Fashioned Cabinet Card Portrait.. So happy you like do make a very sweet witch....hard to make you a nasty witch with that pretty face you have...


  8. Debbie, you make a beautiful witch in all of the costumes. You never looked better! Which witch was your favorite? Just curious.

    Witchy Hugs,

  9. Yep - my fav is second from the bottom!!! I love that outfit! -ara

  10. The last one is my favorite.
    Very cool

  11. LOl...too cool. My favorite is last but one but I think they are all wicked.

  12. haha...super debbie
    i like the 2e one...
    i love witches...
    x marja

  13. Hey now we are related ha ha! I think we should all club together and make a miniature Witches coven! I would love to see all our Witch photos together like a photo album. xxx

  14. You are the cutest witch on the block for sure! I like the fourth one best...

  15. Deb,

    That's incredible that she played Bomballerina in Cats in the West End. Even though, is that the West End in Great Britian? ...what a small world! :O

    Have you guys have seen Children of Noisy Village by Astrid Lindgren who do Pippi? I love that movie but it's not well known over here. It's kinda like The Railway Chilren, if you've seen that one.

    The pictures rule! Remember The Worst Witch tv show?

    Pictures wise I think I like the last one and the first one you look like Madam you know who. Madam Maxine?


  16. What a beautiful witch you make! Such a pretty face! I like the more traditional Professor McGonagal photos best! So cute!

  17. My fave is the third one down, sepia-toned.

    And Debbie,be careful about posting so many pics up...these days the Daily Prophet seems to be turning everyone--be she a witch or Muggle--into a Death Eater ;-)

  18. I love the second one, with that retro look, but they are all really nice made.

  19. What a lovely witch you are!! My fav is the first one :) Hugs, Marsha

  20. The pics are great!!! So amazing!!! I want to be a wich too!!!

    Hugs from Madrid


  21. The pics are great!!! I want to become a wich too.

    Hugs from Madrid

