Sunday 19 July 2009

I'm Still Here...

Thanks to those of you that have emailed to make sure I'm OK. I am, Thank you for your concern, just been really busy as normal.
For the last couple of days I've been working on our real life Kitchen. I've been up the ladder painting beams and walls. Quite a major feat let me tell you. Our Kitchen was originally an outbuilding which is now attached to the house and is approximately 24ft long by 14ft wide and 15ft in height. If you read back in my blog, your know all the problems we had with damp, having to have all the new plaster knocked off, re-rendering, re-plastering, digging a trench right round the kitchen to stop the moisture getting in. Well it finally looks like we've solved all the problems, so I took it upon myself to give the whole Kitchen a flipping good scrub to get the mold off the walls and started repainting yesterday and finally finished it this afternoon. I'll take some more pictures to show you tomorrow, blinking batteries ran out on the Camera!
Just got to put up the other lot of lights on the beams, get the pictures up and then maybe I might spend a bit more time in there.. Well I think the Men in my life wish I would..LOL



  1. Wow, that's one big kitchen! Look forward to seeing more pics. I'm back home midweek to start the big cleanup after the plasterers, not looking forward to that!

  2. Geeesh Deb thats some task you have fingers crossed its all ok now. You have a lot of Real Life stuff going on too. Did you ever manage to get all those shields done?
    Debie xxxxxxx

  3. It seems a lot of us are dealing with home issues, LOL. We'll be starting on the bathroom redo soon as we just picked up all our tile and the shower pan. Now I need to schedule the tile guy! Then the cabinet refacing. I am NOT looking forward to the mess and having to take EVERYTHING out of our cupboards . . . I'm getting stressed just thinking about it, LOL

    Looking forward to seeing more pictures!


  4. I have been thinking about you Debbie. But I wasn't worried I know real life has been calling you these days so I wait patiently for you to come back Lol. Miss you too! Love the kitchen what I can see more pics soon. Harry Potter movie yet? We loved it so much!!!!! I thought of you and your miniature versions when I was watching it. Mini hugs!

  5. Thats going to be one great kitchen Debbie, I envy you all that space!! Mini making seems to slow down this time of year dosnt it, so much to do. Look forward to the winter months when it all begins again, in this house anyway I hope!! Kate and John xx

  6. That looks like its going to be one fabalously huge kitchen. Looking forward to more pics.

  7. Wow....that is one big job you have'll be so impressive when it is finished though.
