Friday 28 December 2007

Christmas Catch Up....

Christmas Day morning we were all up at 6.30am. Harry crept down the stairs behind me, think he was just waiting for someone to get up. Ben was awake as Katie rang him at 5.30am. Ben & Harry were really pleased with their pressies. Brought Ben his ipod classic, docking station, ipod charger, 3 new pairs of jeans, No fear clothing, his tickets to go to Katie's in February, slippers, socks and lots of little bits. Harry had his wii package, No Fear clothing and Roller blades, a couple of DVD's, slippers, socks and again loads of little bits.
Its a tradition in this house that we have a little present on the table at Christmas, I'd got the boys a tin shaped like an old fashioned racing car which was filled with chocolate chip cookies. Mick and I had a tube of sweets each.
We had a lovely dinner and chilled out for the rest of the day, watching films and stuffing our faces. Harry did have a go on his roller blades, but he needs a lot more practise..
Mick's Mum and Dad arrived about 11am Boxing Day, they had a clear run all the way and also had 3 stops, so they did really well to get here that early. All of us had a go on Harry's wii, which was a good laugh. We had the traditional boxing day dinner, cold meats and pickles...
Yesterday, we went into Carmarthen early to have a look in the Sales, Ben brought the XBOX Elite that he's been saving up for and Harry got some games for his wii. I managed to get the light fittings I wanted for the lounge, so their going up today, also managed to get some nice baskets to go in the kitchen cupboards. Mick's Mum & Dad treated us to a new television, as ours as been on the blink for ages, and to be honest was way down our list of things to get, with all the other stuff we still need to get to finish the house. So we now have a new LCD TV which is great and we really appreciated it, can actually watch the TV now without it suddenly going to a black screen. Well I'm off now to get the new light fittings up.. Will try and update later. Merry Christmas......

Monday 24 December 2007

Twas The Night Before Christmas.....

And all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a mouse, cause I found him decapitated on the kitchen floor this morning at 7am... Early Christmas pressie from one of the cats...

Its all go in this house today, washing on, washing drying, meats are cooking in the ovens just trying to make sure there won't be a lot to do tomorrow, other then muck out the horses and cook dinner...

Its really miserable weather here today, the heavens opened early this morning and it hasn't stop raining since..

Ben's girlfriend Katie is ok, hospital have advised her if she has another nose bleed like last night , she will have to have it cauterized. So glad she's ok, had us all worried there for awhile.

Anyway not a lot to say other then Happy Christmas to everyone that is reading this, hope you have a wonderful time and may the New Year bring you Peace and Happiness... xxxx

Sunday 23 December 2007


Was awake this morning about 7am feeling pretty sick, tried to ignore the feeling but decided to get up and have a cuppa instead. Had to go to the Butcher's today to pick up our meat for Christmas, which is now tucked up nicely in the fridge.

Walked up the fields this morning to open the gates to one of the paddock's so that the ponies could have free range, they all followed me and started munching away immediately. As I was walking back down the field Mick shouted up at me to look behind me, which I did and little Athena was following me, so I stopped walking turned round to face her and called her name, she came running straight at me and then started jumping and bucking with excitement, it was so lovely to watch her, she then stopped came right up to me and put her head up, ready for a kiss. She is such a dear little soul. Eventually after about 10 minutes playing with her and giving her a good scratch, I walked her back to the others and told her to stay with them, which she did, I'm sure she understands every word I say to her.

Had a visit from Rhidan & Judy this afternoon, they used to rent our land from us when we first moved here. It was a nice surprise, showed Judy the house as she'd never been further then the kitchen before when the other owners lived here.
Watched Noel's Christmas Presents tonight it was on sky one at 6pm, what a wonderful programme, I cried my eyes out.
Had a bit of a fright tonight, Harry heard a knock at the front door and I went to answer it, only to see 2 Policeman standing there, god my heart missed a beat, thought something terrible had happened. As it turned out they wanted to know if we had called them as a man had been reported unconscious in Cwm Cou, we had a police car and ambulance parked outside the house, they had called at another house and was directed up the hill to us, told them it wasn't us and that I hoped that they would find him. We checked the drive to make sure he hadn't wandered in from the layby. The problem is as well as there are no street lights it is pitch black outside, so unless you knew where to look it could be quite a problem finding someone. Just hope who ever it was managed to get up and find their way home.
Mick's Dad rang tell me that he had been to the Cemetery yesterday to lay some flowers on my families grave and had taken a picture for me, as I wanted to see what the flowers were like. There were another two wreaths on there, one I think is from my parents Godson and the other from my Mum and Dad's friends. It was always a family tradition that 2 pale blue ribbons were put in the wreath to represent my brothers Richard & Dean. When Mum died we added a pink ribbon and then when Dad died a dark blue ribbon. I'd just like to say thank you to the friends and family that visit the Grave for me, it means a great deal to me and I really appreciate it.
Ben's girlfriend Katie has had a really bad nose bleed tonight, apparently it's gone on for over an hour, so her parents have taken her to A & E to have it checked out. Waiting to hear how she is, will update tomorrow.. Hope everything is ok Katie xxxx.

Saturday 22 December 2007

Friday & Saturday....

Friday morning dropped boys off at school, much to Harry's disgust. Then Mick and I popped to Carmarthen to get the rest of the food shopping for Christmas.. Morrison's was packed god knows what it will be like Christmas Eve... If I've forgot anything now will its tough, cause I'm not going out again.
Ben asked us last night if one of his friends could stay on New Years Eve, he's going to his girlfriends in Cenarth to see the New Year in with her, but he can't stay there the night, and the nearest friends are not at home New Years Eve, so we are going to pick him up around 2am and he's staying here, can't bear the thought of him trying to get home as he lives miles away, and his parents are going out for the evening to the local Pub, so looks like another New Years Eve without a drink! Last Year I wasn't allowed any food or drink from 10pm New Years Eve, as I was going into hospital on the 2ND January, for a Colonoscopy. Which was all clear thank goodness.
This afternoon we all went over to see Tash, Geoff and the boys and take over their Christmas Presents. We had a really nice afternoon. Took loads of pictures of the boys, didn't realise I'd taken 94 pictures till I downloaded them. Little Brandon is talking really well now and wanted Ben to give him Aeroplane rides and Monkey swings and he got Harry to read him loads of books. Managed to get some lovely pictures of Callum, Lewis, Tyler and Brandon, which was a feat as they are normally all running about and by the time I've pressed the shutter button they've gone...
I've put some of the best ones on here...

Thursday 20 December 2007

Tuesday & Wednesday....

Tuesday decided best I get the local cards out to our friends, otherwise there still be sitting in the box on New Years day! Its quite a marathon and you need to drive to deliver them, not like when we lived in Kent I used to walk them round. Lots of our friends have farms or smallholdings, which are off the beaten track. Anyway got them all done.
Stopped at Rachael's for a cuppa and quick catch up. Also popped into Emlyn to do a quick shop and drop off some more cards to our friends at Harry's old school.

Wednesday, I spent most of the day wrapping pressies, got all the boys bits done, plus Tasha's boys and Katie's. Still a few more to wrap, Mick's Sister Joanne's, Tash & Geoff's and Mick's Mum & Dad's then there completely finished. Got loads of washing to catch up with, so trying to get that all done today. Mick and I are not buying anything for each other this Christmas, as we've spent so much on the house this year and I'm more then happy that we have a water tight roof , plus can't think of anything that we really want! Mind you could do with some skirting board for the hall....

Ben actually sat downstairs with us last night for a change, Katie had gone out to her school dance so I think he was feeling a bit lonely! He bought Katie's presents down for me to wrap for him, I just love the pressie he brought in Paris, so Katie if your reading this and you don't like it, I can give it a very good home.... Their both getting excited about Katie's visit and we are really looking forward to meeting her. They've already decided what they are doing while Katie's down.
Today I'm catching up with washing and the normal daily chores, boys break up tomorrow and neither of them want to go to school tomorrow. Their argument is that they will only be watching films and they could do that at home..

Monday 17 December 2007

Blood Test & Shopping...

Mick had to go and have some blood tests done at the Doctors this morning, his appointment was supposed to be at 9.45am, but we ended up sitting there till 10.30am before we got to see the nurse. Hopefully the results will be back before Christmas. Just waiting for an appointment to come through for his MRI scan and to see the specialists.

We left the Doctors and then went straight on to Carmarthen as I needed to get some shopping was hoping to get the light fittings for the lounge, but they didn't have the ones I wanted. Did manage to get the light fitting for the boys sitting room, so hopefully get that up tomorrow. Loads of the big shops are already reducing prices, I remember when I was a child the sales didn't start till the 1st January. I feel sorry for people who have already brought at the full price and its now reduced to half price. Then went on to Morrison's for some food shopping and some extra bits for Christmas.

I've got loads of pressies still to wrap, so need to get my finger out and do them....

Saturday 15 December 2007


No Blog yesterday, was really busy. Still trying to get the house sorted before Christmas. Bloody dishwasher leaked again today, think the rubber sill is to blame, must check can't remember if I have it insured or not? Could do without another bill right on top of Christmas.
Harry brought home a letter for a school journey for next year in June, which he wants to go on, deposit of £30 needed now to secure a place. He had a call from his friend Tom this morning inviting him over there tomorrow, need to drop him off at 10.30am.
Took some pictures of Tab, he looks so cute, you know butter wouldn't melt, but he is a little minx.
We did have a laugh on Friday morning, which I forgot to write on my blog... Thursday evening Tab was playing with a little mouse toy that she has and flicked it across the floor, Mick said "I thought that was a real mouse", as he'd seen it from the corner of his eye as it shot across the floor. Friday morning while we were having a cuppa, Mick Say's "well that is a real mouse, look walking across the lounge", and it was, this little field mouse ambling along under the table it went and then walked straight into Tab's cage, where he pounced on it immediately. Tab nearly tore my hands to shreds as I pried the poor little thing away from her. It was still alive so I took the mouse outside and let it go. We think one of the other cat's had brought it in and it had managed to get away under the lounge door, only to be caught again by a ferocious kitten!

Thursday 13 December 2007

Caught In The Act...!

Tab decided to play with the Christmas Tree again last night and as luck would have it my camera was on the table and I caught him in the act of knocking the baubles off the tree then chasing them round the floor!

More Christmas Decorations....

Managed to get the Artifical tree up in the boys room yesterday, while they were at school. Harry wanted to decorate it himself when he got in and he didn't do a bad job, but got bored half way through, so I went in to finish it off. Also took some more pictures of the real tree with the lights on and the lights on the mantle garland.

Wednesday 12 December 2007

Christmas Questions....

Just seen this on another blog, so thought I'd have go at answering the questions.
  1. Wrapping Paper or Gift Bags? Both, I use wrapping paper & Bags.
  2. Real or Artifical Tree? Both - Real Tree in the Lounge and Artifical in the boys room.
  3. When do you put up the Tree? This year it went up yesterday!
  4. When Do you take the tree down? Normally before 12th Night.
  5. Do you like Eggnog? - No
  6. Favourite Gift Received as a child? Chopper Bike
  7. Do you have a Nativity Scene? Yes, somewhere in the mountain of boxes we have stored, but no displayed.
  8. Hardest Person to Buy for? No one
  9. Easiest Person to Buy for? Ben & Harry as they always give me a list.
  10. Worst Christmas Gift Ever received? Can't think of any at the moment.
  11. Mail or Email Christmas Card? Always Mail, I'm normally sending cards out on 1st December.
  12. Favourite Christmas Movie? Miracle on 34th Street.
  13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I pick up bits all through the year, easliest christmas present I've brought was on Boxing day.
  14. Have you ever recycled/regifted a Christmas Present? No
  15. Favourite thing to eat at Christmas? Christmas Dinner & Boxing Day dinner.
  16. Favourite Christmas Song? Haven't got a favourite, like loads.
  17. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? Stay at home.
  18. Can you name Santa's Reindeer? Some of them!!!
  19. Do you have an Angel or Star on top of your Christmas Tree? Angel
  20. Open Presents Christmas Day morning or Evening? Morning my kids couldn't wait till the evening..
  21. Whats your Favourite Christmas Tipple? Tia Maria with loads of ice. Or a Black Russian, Tia Maria, Vodka & Coke with loads of ice....
  22. Best Thing About Christmas? Sharing it with those you Love...

If your reading this consider yourself tagged.....

Christmas Decorations..

Sorry no blog for a couple of days, been trying to get the house ready for Christmas.
Just been out to do the Horses, its lovely here today, really bright and the Sun is shining, bit cold, but so much better then the rain we've been having,
Spent all day Monday & Tuesday, moving furniture, cleaning windows and getting decorations up.
Really pleased with how the mantle's have turned out. I love having a display on them, looks so festive and because they are so deep, we can still have the fire on without affecting the decorations. I've put some white battery operated LED lights in the display in the lounge. Ben didn't want the tree up in their room, but Harry does. So the artificial tree is going up in there. Going to do that today..

Got the real tree up in the lounge and Harry helped me decorate it last night and Ben put the Fairy on the top. It's a 6ft but we've all decided next year we are going to have a 7ft- 8ft. Just can't get all our decorations on a 6ft. Plus we have quite high ceilings so the room can take it.. Tabitha was watching us put all the decorations on the tree and I just knew she wouldn't be able to resist the twinkling lights and the baubles, she had great fun trying to swipe them last night. She did manage to get a couple off and chase them round the floor. I'll take some more pictures tonight, when its dark so you can see the full effect.
Ben's been busy studying really hard of an evening to get ready for his mocks. Harry has his Christmas party at Scouts tomorrow, so he's looking forward to that, I've got to supply cubed cheese, which is fine by me, no cooking!....
My Cousin Mandy started her new job this week. Congratulations Mandy hope you enjoy it and its all you hoped it would be...

Sunday 9 December 2007

Wet Wet Weather...

Well I did go out to do food shopping on Friday and called into see Diane on the way home, to pick out our Christmas Tree. Decided on a 6ft this year, as once its in the stand and the fairy is on top it will be nearly 7ft anyway.
Harry enjoyed his trip out on Friday with his Rugby team, they played their match, showered and then had tea in the club house. They then watched the Osprey's beat Ulster and he got back to the school around 11pm.
Saturday Ben helped me move all the bottles of spirit from the kitchen out into the Utility room and sort out a load of bits from the cupboards. Loads of it needed to be washed as the building dust had got into all the old cupbaords.He also helped me with mucking out the stables, doing the wheelbarrow run for me. The ground is so muddy at the moment. We had a leak last night on the dishwasher and it was lucky Ben went out to the kitchen for something and noticed all the bubbles pumping out from under the dishwasher door, so we throw loads of tea towels on the floor to mop up the water. Its sorted now thank goodness.. The dishwasher was leaning forward to much and so the water was coming out the front of the door... Nothing is ever straight forward in this house. Its all level now and hopefully, its cured the problem. Well I hope it has.
Today I've been trying to catch up with washing and putting some more bits away. Caught up with a couple of friends on the phone in between Ben & Katie chatting..
The weather is appaling here at the moment, we've been getting really high winds and torrential rain, but at least we know that there are no leaks in the new roof...

Friday 7 December 2007


The new taps we ordered arrived yesterday and are now fitted in the sink in the Utility room. New cupboards are up on the wall, finally seem to be making some progress.
Harry's gone back to school today as he was desperate to play in the Rugby match tonight and watch the game afterwards. He's not due back until 11pm tonight. He'll probably have pneumonia next week, playing Rugby with his cold in this awful weather, what with the rain and high winds. He's taken extra clothes with him and a big coat.
Off to do some food shopping today, plenty of miniature food in the house, but none to eat. Also going to get the Christmas tree today. Was trying to decide where we are going to put it, although the lounge is quite big, at the moment we still have the kitchen table in there and some other bits. Which is making the room feel a bit cramped. My have to reorganise the room, to make some space....

Thursday 6 December 2007

Missing Taps...

Didn't get round to going to get the Christmas Tree yesterday, spent all afternoon searching for a box of taps.. The taps are for the sink in the Utility room and were in a white box in the kitchen, but mysteriously they have disappeared. I went through every cupboard and drawer and still couldn't find them. I have a feeling that they've been chucked out with a load of rubbish. We checked the caravan, the workshop, went through a heap of rubbish and still no taps! I got so annoyed that I completely lost the plot, so have now ordered another set. You can bet your life as soon as they arrive we will find the others.
Had a Christmas Card from some friends of my Mum & Dad's yesterday, saying that they were going up to visit the Grave. Also said that the wooden cross was still there and did I want them to get rid of it. Which I don't. I've already discussed this with another friend Val and Micks Dad, and asked that if they go could they get the cross and just remove the brass plaque and send it to me. After the day I had yesterday, it freaked me out thinking that these other people will remove it and just destroy it. So Mick rang his Dad and he is going to the Cemetery today for me to get it. I'm just hoping its not already been removed. I'm going to ring these other friends today and tell them that it is already sorted.

Wednesday 5 December 2007

Posting Day...

Well I sold nearly all of my bits on Ebay, just 3 didn't sell, so they've been re listed. Everything that's been paid for is now wrapped and ready to go to the post office.
Harry came home from school with a temperature last night, so I've kept him off school today. He's supposed to be playing Rugby at the Swansea Liberty Stadium on Friday and then watching a professional match, Osprey's V Ulster, so I'm hoping that he'll be able to go. Let's hope he'll be better by then.
Didn't manage to get the Christmas tree yesterday, time was against me, will try and get there today, if I have time. The weather here is horrible, high winds and rain, makes everyone miserable, I'd rather it be cold and dry. I'm sick of the dogs & cats bringing mud in on their paws, there's mud everywhere and the smell of wet dog is disgusting, thank god for Febreeze.. The ponies have poached the earth around the gates so every time I go out there my boots are sinking in mud, its a constant battle at the moment to keep the floor clean.
Worktops are definately being fitted today, sink hole was cut yesterday, but one of the units was out of line, so it had to come out and be adjusted and refitted. Only 20 days till Christmas, can you believe its come round so fast?.

Tuesday 4 December 2007

Catch Up...

No blog yesterday, didn't seem to get the time. We had a leak in the Utility room so that had to be sorted out yesterday. All seems OK now. Sink is going in today & worktops being fitted.
My stuff on Ebay seems to be selling only 3 bits haven't had a bid, so I'll re list if they don't sell.
Had a phone call from Woolworths the wii has arrived so will need to go and pick that up either tonight or tomorrow.. Also want to go and get our Christmas tree tomorrow... Not sure whether to have a 7ft or 6ft. Think we had a 7ft one last year.
The boys like to decorate it and its tradition that Ben puts the Fairy on the top of the tree, well he's the only only that can reach, without using a ladder!!! Also want to put up our artificial tree in the boys room, but Ben didn't seem that keen when, we was discussing it yesterday, think he was having a bah humbug moment. They had it in there last year and it looked lovely, so if they don't want the tree up, I'll just decorate the Mantel over the fire and maybe put some lights in the log burner, for a bit of festive cheer... I've done nearly all of my Christmas shopping, just a few little bits to get.

Sunday 2 December 2007

Happy Birthday Kiera...

Yesterday I spent most of the day, doing the dreaded housework and getting tons of washing done. Nothing really exciting. Harry went to stay over his friend Paul's house and will be back later this afternoon. Ben spent yesterday doing coursework and watching films on his PC and chatting to Katie on the dog & bone...

I did manage to catch up with a couple of my friends last night, in between Ben & Katie chatting. One being my friend Tracy who I've been friends with since we were three, blimey just thought we've been best mates for forty years.. Also with another great friend Tanya, wanted to wish her daughter Kiera a Happy Birthday for today. She's playing in a football match at Gillingham this morning, hope you win Lou..(Lou is Kiera's nickname). Kiera is a cheeky little Miss, She most certainly takes after Tanya, but we love her dearly and really miss them all. But they do come up on regular visits, which we really look forward to.

Also forgot to say we managed to get hold of a wii for Harry for Christmas. If you read my earlier posts you know that we left our name and number at Woolworths, thinking that we wouldn't hear anything, but last week they rang to say that they had an order coming in and if we would like to pay in advance we would be guaranteed a wii before Christmas, but they were only being sold in packages, you can't buy the wii console on its own. Unfortunately, Harry picked up the phone, so he now knows that he's got one... Still at least he won't be disappointed Christmas morning.
I've just been looking through some pictures and have added a picture to this post of Bleinham Badger, being shown by Bev. Isn't he magnificent..