Saturday 22 December 2007

Friday & Saturday....

Friday morning dropped boys off at school, much to Harry's disgust. Then Mick and I popped to Carmarthen to get the rest of the food shopping for Christmas.. Morrison's was packed god knows what it will be like Christmas Eve... If I've forgot anything now will its tough, cause I'm not going out again.
Ben asked us last night if one of his friends could stay on New Years Eve, he's going to his girlfriends in Cenarth to see the New Year in with her, but he can't stay there the night, and the nearest friends are not at home New Years Eve, so we are going to pick him up around 2am and he's staying here, can't bear the thought of him trying to get home as he lives miles away, and his parents are going out for the evening to the local Pub, so looks like another New Years Eve without a drink! Last Year I wasn't allowed any food or drink from 10pm New Years Eve, as I was going into hospital on the 2ND January, for a Colonoscopy. Which was all clear thank goodness.
This afternoon we all went over to see Tash, Geoff and the boys and take over their Christmas Presents. We had a really nice afternoon. Took loads of pictures of the boys, didn't realise I'd taken 94 pictures till I downloaded them. Little Brandon is talking really well now and wanted Ben to give him Aeroplane rides and Monkey swings and he got Harry to read him loads of books. Managed to get some lovely pictures of Callum, Lewis, Tyler and Brandon, which was a feat as they are normally all running about and by the time I've pressed the shutter button they've gone...
I've put some of the best ones on here...

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