Thursday 20 December 2007

Tuesday & Wednesday....

Tuesday decided best I get the local cards out to our friends, otherwise there still be sitting in the box on New Years day! Its quite a marathon and you need to drive to deliver them, not like when we lived in Kent I used to walk them round. Lots of our friends have farms or smallholdings, which are off the beaten track. Anyway got them all done.
Stopped at Rachael's for a cuppa and quick catch up. Also popped into Emlyn to do a quick shop and drop off some more cards to our friends at Harry's old school.

Wednesday, I spent most of the day wrapping pressies, got all the boys bits done, plus Tasha's boys and Katie's. Still a few more to wrap, Mick's Sister Joanne's, Tash & Geoff's and Mick's Mum & Dad's then there completely finished. Got loads of washing to catch up with, so trying to get that all done today. Mick and I are not buying anything for each other this Christmas, as we've spent so much on the house this year and I'm more then happy that we have a water tight roof , plus can't think of anything that we really want! Mind you could do with some skirting board for the hall....

Ben actually sat downstairs with us last night for a change, Katie had gone out to her school dance so I think he was feeling a bit lonely! He bought Katie's presents down for me to wrap for him, I just love the pressie he brought in Paris, so Katie if your reading this and you don't like it, I can give it a very good home.... Their both getting excited about Katie's visit and we are really looking forward to meeting her. They've already decided what they are doing while Katie's down.
Today I'm catching up with washing and the normal daily chores, boys break up tomorrow and neither of them want to go to school tomorrow. Their argument is that they will only be watching films and they could do that at home..

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