Monday 17 December 2007

Blood Test & Shopping...

Mick had to go and have some blood tests done at the Doctors this morning, his appointment was supposed to be at 9.45am, but we ended up sitting there till 10.30am before we got to see the nurse. Hopefully the results will be back before Christmas. Just waiting for an appointment to come through for his MRI scan and to see the specialists.

We left the Doctors and then went straight on to Carmarthen as I needed to get some shopping was hoping to get the light fittings for the lounge, but they didn't have the ones I wanted. Did manage to get the light fitting for the boys sitting room, so hopefully get that up tomorrow. Loads of the big shops are already reducing prices, I remember when I was a child the sales didn't start till the 1st January. I feel sorry for people who have already brought at the full price and its now reduced to half price. Then went on to Morrison's for some food shopping and some extra bits for Christmas.

I've got loads of pressies still to wrap, so need to get my finger out and do them....

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