Sunday 2 December 2007

Happy Birthday Kiera...

Yesterday I spent most of the day, doing the dreaded housework and getting tons of washing done. Nothing really exciting. Harry went to stay over his friend Paul's house and will be back later this afternoon. Ben spent yesterday doing coursework and watching films on his PC and chatting to Katie on the dog & bone...

I did manage to catch up with a couple of my friends last night, in between Ben & Katie chatting. One being my friend Tracy who I've been friends with since we were three, blimey just thought we've been best mates for forty years.. Also with another great friend Tanya, wanted to wish her daughter Kiera a Happy Birthday for today. She's playing in a football match at Gillingham this morning, hope you win Lou..(Lou is Kiera's nickname). Kiera is a cheeky little Miss, She most certainly takes after Tanya, but we love her dearly and really miss them all. But they do come up on regular visits, which we really look forward to.

Also forgot to say we managed to get hold of a wii for Harry for Christmas. If you read my earlier posts you know that we left our name and number at Woolworths, thinking that we wouldn't hear anything, but last week they rang to say that they had an order coming in and if we would like to pay in advance we would be guaranteed a wii before Christmas, but they were only being sold in packages, you can't buy the wii console on its own. Unfortunately, Harry picked up the phone, so he now knows that he's got one... Still at least he won't be disappointed Christmas morning.
I've just been looking through some pictures and have added a picture to this post of Bleinham Badger, being shown by Bev. Isn't he magnificent..

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