Wednesday 12 December 2007

Christmas Decorations..

Sorry no blog for a couple of days, been trying to get the house ready for Christmas.
Just been out to do the Horses, its lovely here today, really bright and the Sun is shining, bit cold, but so much better then the rain we've been having,
Spent all day Monday & Tuesday, moving furniture, cleaning windows and getting decorations up.
Really pleased with how the mantle's have turned out. I love having a display on them, looks so festive and because they are so deep, we can still have the fire on without affecting the decorations. I've put some white battery operated LED lights in the display in the lounge. Ben didn't want the tree up in their room, but Harry does. So the artificial tree is going up in there. Going to do that today..

Got the real tree up in the lounge and Harry helped me decorate it last night and Ben put the Fairy on the top. It's a 6ft but we've all decided next year we are going to have a 7ft- 8ft. Just can't get all our decorations on a 6ft. Plus we have quite high ceilings so the room can take it.. Tabitha was watching us put all the decorations on the tree and I just knew she wouldn't be able to resist the twinkling lights and the baubles, she had great fun trying to swipe them last night. She did manage to get a couple off and chase them round the floor. I'll take some more pictures tonight, when its dark so you can see the full effect.
Ben's been busy studying really hard of an evening to get ready for his mocks. Harry has his Christmas party at Scouts tomorrow, so he's looking forward to that, I've got to supply cubed cheese, which is fine by me, no cooking!....
My Cousin Mandy started her new job this week. Congratulations Mandy hope you enjoy it and its all you hoped it would be...

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