Wednesday 12 December 2007

Christmas Questions....

Just seen this on another blog, so thought I'd have go at answering the questions.
  1. Wrapping Paper or Gift Bags? Both, I use wrapping paper & Bags.
  2. Real or Artifical Tree? Both - Real Tree in the Lounge and Artifical in the boys room.
  3. When do you put up the Tree? This year it went up yesterday!
  4. When Do you take the tree down? Normally before 12th Night.
  5. Do you like Eggnog? - No
  6. Favourite Gift Received as a child? Chopper Bike
  7. Do you have a Nativity Scene? Yes, somewhere in the mountain of boxes we have stored, but no displayed.
  8. Hardest Person to Buy for? No one
  9. Easiest Person to Buy for? Ben & Harry as they always give me a list.
  10. Worst Christmas Gift Ever received? Can't think of any at the moment.
  11. Mail or Email Christmas Card? Always Mail, I'm normally sending cards out on 1st December.
  12. Favourite Christmas Movie? Miracle on 34th Street.
  13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I pick up bits all through the year, easliest christmas present I've brought was on Boxing day.
  14. Have you ever recycled/regifted a Christmas Present? No
  15. Favourite thing to eat at Christmas? Christmas Dinner & Boxing Day dinner.
  16. Favourite Christmas Song? Haven't got a favourite, like loads.
  17. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? Stay at home.
  18. Can you name Santa's Reindeer? Some of them!!!
  19. Do you have an Angel or Star on top of your Christmas Tree? Angel
  20. Open Presents Christmas Day morning or Evening? Morning my kids couldn't wait till the evening..
  21. Whats your Favourite Christmas Tipple? Tia Maria with loads of ice. Or a Black Russian, Tia Maria, Vodka & Coke with loads of ice....
  22. Best Thing About Christmas? Sharing it with those you Love...

If your reading this consider yourself tagged.....

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