Sunday 31 January 2010

Crackers... Christmas All Over Again...

Well as I told you on Thursday, one of my dearest friends Tanya came to stay with her children for a long weekend.
We've all had such a laugh even the kids.
Now Tanya was supposed to come up for Mick's 40th Birthday, but Ayden caught Swine Flu so they couldn't.
Then I ended up in Hospital.
Then they were supposed to come at Christmas, but Tanya's car broke down so again a no show.
So you can imagine the relief for all of us, when they made it this weekend.
I'd saved a tin of Quality Street and other assorted sweets for them all and we recreated Christmas Dinner. (Look Mags told you we had Prawn Cocktail LOL). Well everyone except Ayden who had Pate, he doesn't like Prawns. Turkey Crown, Gammon, Roast Potatoes, Roast Parsnips, Peas, Carrots, Broccoli, Pigs in Blankets, Stuffing, Yorkshire Puddings and lovely thick gravy. We even wore our paper hats after pulling the crackers.
And if your wondering after all that baking I did, well there is not a crumb left in the house...

Look How They've Grown..

Just had to share these pictures.
I've been taking photographs of these four Herbert's since they were babies.
The oldest photo I have of them all together was the year Kiera was born. The three boys were sitting on the sofa and Ben was holding Kiera in his arms. The oldest holding the youngest. There is two years between each of them.
The top photographs were taken in September 2005.
The bottom ones were taken this morning, it's amazing how big they've all grown in a few years.
We had the tape measure out as well and Ben is now 6ft 4ins, Ayden is 6ft, Harry is 5ft 11ins, although Ayden and Harry look the same height that inch makes all the difference and Kiera is 5ft 1in..
We've had a wonderful weekend together, where we recreated Christmas, and I can honestly say none of us wanted to say Goodbye this morning.
I'll be back later with some more

Thursday 28 January 2010


Just a little update..
Been having a few problems with my computer, the flipping thing keeps crashing! Have no idea whats wrong with it, I do have one of those insurances so may have to use it.
Also been having a problem with my leg the one which they took the vein from, it resembles a tree trunk at the moment. Went to see the Dietitian at the Hospital yesterday, she was more concerned about my leg then my weight. So need to make an appointment with my GP.
On the home front one of my very good friends and her children are coming to stay today, for a long weekend. So I've been baking! I've made Butterfly Cakes, which I haven't made for years, I suppose they were the forerunner to the Cup Cake. My Nan's recipe for Rock Cakes and a huge Bread Pudding.
I've also made two huge Shepherds Pies and they are in the oven cooking, ready for when they arrive.
She was supposed to be with us over Christmas, but it didn't happen, so over the weekend we are having another Christmas Dinner, I've even got some Christmas Crackers...LOL (Thanks Tash).
Ben has had two conditional offers from the Universities that he has applied for. One for Cardiff and one for Bangor. He's taking two Scholarship exams in February for Aberystwyth University which is his preferred choice. If he passes them, I think he will get an unconditional offer from there. Just keeping everything crossed that he gets a place..

Sunday 24 January 2010

Welcome ....

A very big welcome to some more followers they are:-
Estafania who has a few blogs Mini Cositas, Rosa Gascon, El Minimundo de Dru, abedul etxea 8, now whether they are all hers, or whether is part of a mini group I'm not sure, but all the links are filled with Miniatures..
Dawn who's also in Wales.. Hello or Helo Dawn. Dawns blog is called In My Miniature World, she's only been blogging this month. Have a look at her wonderful knitted Dolls.
Leilani who unfortunately I can't find any information for. Leilani if you have a blog please let me know. so that I can share your link.
Barbara of Cricket Hollow Primitives, I just love her take on fried Chicken..LOL
And last but not least Carey who's blog is called Chicory Nits, there's lots of Miniatures on here and for those of you that like a bit of shabby chic there's some of that as well..
As always please go and say Hi.....

For those of you that have emailed or rung. I've not been around much this week as I've not been feeling too good. Think I over did it at Physiotherapy and I've been paying the price ever since. Needless to say the Boys have been a bit concerned but I'm OK, just a bit sore... xxxx

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Welcome ....

I've been remiss and not welcomed some new followers. I apologise for being so tardy.
They are:-
O-bet who's blog is called obetbears. Beautiful miniature Bears.
Lotti who's blog is called Was ist los in Wuselhausen. Lotti has some wonderful Witchy miniatures.
Miniaturemaid who unfortunately I can't found a blog for. If you have a blog please let me know and I'll add your link.
Moni, who's blog is called Mona's Miniaturen. Some wonderful miniatures on here, go and have a look at Hagrid's Hut and her Crooked House.
Luna who has two blogs Dollhouse & Miniature Association of Malaysia and Atelier Luna. Both blogs are filled with Miniatures.
Cheryl who's blog is called A Miniature Place. Thank you for giving me your link Cheryl.
Alex Pribnow who is a UK based artist/sculpter and had two blogs Malice In Underland and Leaque Of Eggstraordinary Beasts.
Mirel Korhonen who's blog is called Minimami, lots of lovely miniatures on here. Thank you Mirel for giving me your link.
Enchanticals link to her Etsy shop is also called Enchanticals. Lots of lovely Miniatures for sale.
Lotte who's blog is called Loten Nukkekotipaivakirja. Lotte makes the most wonderful little shoes and boots, amongst other things.
Kaleidoskopic Romance who's blog is called Kassandra's Miniature Blog .Kassandra is also having a miniature Birthday give away on her blog.
Troy Bettridge who's blog is called Tulsa Tiny Stuff. Troy has only been blogging this month, but it looks like his whole family are involved in Miniatures.
Puppenstubennostalgie who's blog is called PuNo's Minis 1:12. Some lovely little settings on here.
Eli en Karina, who's blog is called The Mouse Mansion. If you haven't been over to this blog, I recommend you do. The Mouse Mansion is incredible.
And last but not least Follettosem who's blog is called Qualcosa di Speciale.
As always please go over and say Hello....

Monday 18 January 2010

Birthday Buy Is On The Wall...

This evening when the boys got in from School, they helped Mick get my Dresser top up on the wall. I didn't realise quite how heavy it is. Not that they would let me help!. (Doreen in Canada and America you call them Hutches.)
I'm really pleased with it and couldn't wait to try my jugs out on it.
The antique shelves that were there is being moved to the left, in between the next lot of down beams. You can see them resting up against the window alcove at the moment.
The ABC's of life plaque hangs over the window.

Sunday 17 January 2010

And The Winner Is.....

Firstly, Thank you to everyone for all your Birthday Wishes and thank you for entering the Give Away.
I must apologise for being late with the draw, but I blame Nikki for keeping me on the phone chatting. I told her that I was going to tell you all. LOL... And no I didn't tell her who'd won, I said she'd have to wait like the rest of you..
Now as you can see quite a few of you entered, although not as many as I expected. Your names were all put on paper, then cut up and put in my new posh jar, given a quick stir and then one was pulled.

And the winner was Doreen from Doreen's Miniatures & Memories. I have already emailed Doreen to let her know she is the winner.
Many congratulations Doreen, I hope you like the prize. It is a Bone China Bathroom Set, made by Robert Mack. Robert used to work at Royal Doulton and now makes Miniatures and the most wonderful China Birds.
The picture at the bottom is of the full set that will be winging its way to you as soon as you email me your address...

Birthday Buys...

Yesterday we popped out with the boys to the local Army Surplus shop as Harry wanted a pair of boots. While we were out, we also popped into town and I called into the little shop where Mick brought my lovely Frog Jug from.
Mick had told me about these jars, that he had seen while in there and thought I'd like them. Well he was right, and I brought the last one..
While I was browsing we were talking and I told Pat the owner that I was looking for a dresser top to hang in my Kitchen. She took us upstairs to the store rooms and there was just what I wanted a large dresser top. It's approx 4ft by 4 1/2ft. The colour matches my antique shelving , so I put it down to fate and we agreed a price. The Picture was taken while the dresser top is resting on its side on the floor of the Kitchen.
Pat and her husband Mick dropped it off last night and came in for a cup of tea and a chat.
We've just got to get the shelving up on the wall now and I'll be able to get some of my China out of boxes and display it.
So instead of Mick buying Miniatures he brought me the shelves instead. Maybe I'll be able to display a few minis on the shelves. I did debate about making a miniature setting in the Jar, it is big enough. But for today its going to be used to put all the names in for the Birthday Give Away..I've still got to write all the names out! I'll be back later with the winner's name.... Excited I know I am...............LOL

Saturday 16 January 2010

Last Day For The Birthday Give Away....

Just wanted to remind everyone that today, is the last day to enter the Birthday Give Away. If you haven't already done so, please go to the previous post, read the question and leave your answer in the comments section.
Good Luck............

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Surprise Birthday Give Away...

Well as you all probably know by now today is my birthday and like last year I've decided to do a Birthday Give Away. But with a bit of a twist I'm not going to show you what you could win, but it will be Miniature. I love surprises and thought it would be lovely for someone else to get a surprise. It will be worth winning. Have a look at last years give away.
Now the only rules are:-

1.That you must be a follower of this blog, either on the blogger followers list or the networked blog list and your answer must be placed in the comments on this post.

2. The question I'd like answering is:- In the Harry Potter books what was the name of Lord Voldemort's Snake.

You have until this Saturday the 16th January to leave your answer. I'll then do as I did last year and put all the correct answers in a Hat and pull the winner on Sunday.
Good Luck everyone....

Happy Birthday To Me...

Happy Birthday to me.. Happy Birthday to me.
Another year older another year wiser? Well I don't know about the wise bit.

The boys spoilt me with a beautiful Body Shop Gift Box this morning. It was filled with Strawberry Body Butter, Shampoo, Shower Gel, Soap and Body Scrub and some other bits and it smells wonderful. Reminded me of Strawberry Bubblicious Bubble Gum. I was very taken with the box it all came in and Ben said "Mum, only you could be more interested in the box, then the contents." Well it is a lovely box. LOL

Mick wanted to get me something, but I've asked him to hang fire as I'm debating whether to try and get to Miniaturia this year, or if I see something Mini that I really love would he get me that. Which he's agreed to.
But for me the Best gift was being here to share my Birthday with my family.

Now as its my Birthday I'm going to do another Birthday give away like I did last year. I'll be back later with the Rules...xxxx

Monday 11 January 2010

Great Gas & Bargain Balls..

Last night while watching the TV, I commented to Mick that I was feeling a bit cold. I felt the radiator and realised the heating had gone off. Now as we are rural our Gas is delivered by Tanker, to a Tank on our property. On the Tank is a little gadget that sends a signal to our supplier and lets them know the Gas is getting low. Its called a Think Tank. Well it had sent the signal, but we hadn't had a delivery due to the weather, and the Gas ran out. Which means for us, no gas to the burners on the cooker, no hot water and no central heating! Lucky for us we have Log burners for back up heating.
Mick rang our supplier at 8.30am this morning and advised them of the situation and I have to say what service! The Tanker was here by 10.30am filling the tank and by 11am I was having a lovely hot shower. To say it was a relief was an under statement as West Wales is supposed to be getting another load of the White stuff tomorrow.
The boys went back to school today, but the car park was like a skating rink. Not many of the Children have been able to make it in, again being rural lots of Farms are still snowed in and the lanes are impassable.
We had to brave it into Town today and I'm so glad we did. I went into one of our little shops and I spied on a bottom shelf a really decorative box, when I pulled it out, to my delight I found that it was filled with 14 Paper Mache baubles and I was even more delighted when I found another box behind it. All the Christmas stuff was reduced by half price so I brought both boxes for the price of one originally. So I came home to a nice warm House with my bargain balls..
Its my Birthday tomorrow and I'm going to holding another Birthday Give away, so make sure you stop by.. XXX

Sunday 10 January 2010

How To Make A Snow Angel

How to make a Snow Angel...

Take one Child who doesn't mind throwing them self backwards into the snow.
Get them to move their arms up and down in a manic fashion, as if they are trying to fly and move their legs from side to side.

Result one Snow Angel and one Son covered in Snow.. LOL

Thanks Harry xxx

Friday 8 January 2010

Seeing Your Children Having Fun - Priceless

This is the last Video that the boys shot yesterday and I have to say I thought it was the funniest.
If you look closely you can see that Ben had dug a small trench. Now this was there to stop Harry dead in his tracks, but as you can see it had the opposite effect. Totally Priceless. LOL

I've also put a few photographs over on Hericus Blog of the Ponies in the Snow.

Thursday 7 January 2010

How To Take Out The Big Brother....

Now I didn't see this happen or the next video. I'd already gone back indoors, so can you imagine the laughter having heard me cackle in the last one, once I'd uploaded this. I think some one's going to have some bruises tomorrow. Thankfully my camera survived.

Dare Devil...

I've had such a giggle today watching Harry on a home made Snow Board, down in the bottom field. We had another couple of inches of snow last night.
Ben borrowed my camera and filmed Harry, while Mick and I stood in the yard watching. All you can hear is me laughing in the background. I was worried that he was going to come off and break something, but I just couldn't stop laughing at his antic's, he's a proper Dare Devil. Even our neighbour Michael in the Cottages came out to watch him and was having a laugh.
Ben took some brilliant video clips, which I will share as they get funnier as they go along.

Wednesday 6 January 2010

The Big Freeze...

Another day of the BIG FREEZE...
The boys were supposed to go back to school yesterday, but all the Schools here are closed. I've just checked the School website and I think they will be closed for the rest of the week.
We've just watched the news and it looks like we are due another lot of Snow in the early hours tomorrow. Their now saying this could go on for another couple of weeks. One of the gritters from Ceredigion ended up on its side after sliding on the ice. Severe Weather Warnings are still in place here and the temperature's are set to drop to -10 tonight.
Mick had to pop into Town today to pick up our prescriptions and he said it was treacherous. I've been taking photographs through the windows and from the safety of the veranda, there's no way I'm going out just in case I fall over.