Friday 8 January 2010

Seeing Your Children Having Fun - Priceless

This is the last Video that the boys shot yesterday and I have to say I thought it was the funniest.
If you look closely you can see that Ben had dug a small trench. Now this was there to stop Harry dead in his tracks, but as you can see it had the opposite effect. Totally Priceless. LOL

I've also put a few photographs over on Hericus Blog of the Ponies in the Snow.


  1. Oh oh... it was like a lauching rampard!! 3...2...1...FLYYYY !!!!
    I'm sure it has been fun ! Hugs Rosanna

  2. Oh oh... it was like a lauching rampard!! 3...2...1...FLYYYY !!!!
    I'm sure it has been fun ! Hugs Rosanna

  3. Hi Debbie, how are you???
    my son is the same thing happened last year on a toboggan run, and thank goodness that is not broken sacrum pelvis! only that the hole was natural!
    may I wish you the best for 2010???
    kisses, Caterina

  4. So true Debbie, so true! I've been taking lots of video's and pictures myself these days, nothing better than when the kids are having a good time!

  5. Love watching your boys being boys! I miss my two terribly. Their laughter is priceless!

  6. Oh that was wonderful! What a super hill for sledding!

  7. Yup, we can watch them over and over and then laugh again and again. Video clips like this are priceless.

  8. hahaha love the video's
    the have fun!!
    hugs marja

  9. The boys are so lucky to be able to go out in the snow. Our 5 have had 3 days off school but as the youngest all have stinking colds ansd chesty coughs docs orders are to keep them in so we are NOT popular! They wont have many memories of the best snow of the decade poor littl'ns!! Kate xx

  10. Love it, Debbie - used to have fun with ours like that (long time ago) but hey ho, now we have four grandkids so there's always something going on.

  11. Let it snow let it snow, let it snow!
    It is freeezing cold here in Kent but we're having good fun in the snow too!
