Thursday 7 January 2010

How To Take Out The Big Brother....

Now I didn't see this happen or the next video. I'd already gone back indoors, so can you imagine the laughter having heard me cackle in the last one, once I'd uploaded this. I think some one's going to have some bruises tomorrow. Thankfully my camera survived.


  1. Come on Harry! I hope Ben is not seriously injured :o))) I see they hae made the best ouit of their day off school. Gorgeous weather Debbie!
    Have a good night sleep Rosanna

  2. BOYS !!! Thats got to be a you have been framed moment. Send it off. If you watch that program its nearly always the men and the boys getting into trouble.
    Hope there were no injuries.
    Debie xxx

  3. No injuries thank goodness, but it tickled me.
    Debie Ben and Harry have already contacted you've been framed and People do the funniest things. The next video I'm going to upload is priceless..

  4. Ouch!! Glad no one was hurt but that is too funny!

  5. LOL thats a classic!
    (I got a video camera for xmas but still havnt worked out how to upload the videos to my pc yet!!!

  6. Lol.....Fun day of videos "come on Harry" Love it! Hugs~ Kim

  7. LOL! Boys are such... BOYS! ;-)

    Glad neither Ben nor the camera were seriously damaged.

  8. Ay that hurt!

    Was Harry aiming for him?

  9. No Sandra, Ben just didn't move fast enough and Harry had no way of steering. PMSL it's the noise
    Ben makes when he hits the floor that had me in hysterics.

  10. LOL I thought it was hilarious! So glad neither boys were hurt in anyway though!
    Michelle xxx

  11. LMAO. Def a YBF moment.

    Did he say a naughty word :-)

  12. It sort of boosted him into the hedge! I'm glad he wasn't hurt.
