Thursday 7 January 2010

Dare Devil...

I've had such a giggle today watching Harry on a home made Snow Board, down in the bottom field. We had another couple of inches of snow last night.
Ben borrowed my camera and filmed Harry, while Mick and I stood in the yard watching. All you can hear is me laughing in the background. I was worried that he was going to come off and break something, but I just couldn't stop laughing at his antic's, he's a proper Dare Devil. Even our neighbour Michael in the Cottages came out to watch him and was having a laugh.
Ben took some brilliant video clips, which I will share as they get funnier as they go along.


  1. Oh, that looks like fun! I'd break something for sure!

    I so loved hearing your laugh!!! Made me SMILE!!


  2. You wouldn't get me doing that! It was funny hearing you squealing and laughing in the background. x

  3. Marsha and Tash they get worse it was so funny. Wait till you see the one with Ben..PMSL xx

  4. Thanks so much for sharing Debbie. It is so nice to see something fun and happy. I love hearing you laugh. Hugs~ Kim

  5. It looks like they had great fun! ;o) I know I'd break something if I was doing that...just be my luck! lol Great entertainment for us to watch others though!

    Michelle xxx

  6. How much fun!! I'd love to try! Nice to hear to laughing Debbie. Hugs Rosanna

  7. Everybody is complaining about the snow... and your family is having so much fun!

    I am jealous... Our temperatures remain high 20's and low 30's. And to think that it is winter here tooo!

  8. Debbie, I am surprised that you weren't out there on a snowboard of your own! LOL It looks like real fun! Great hill for it!

  9. Love the video and the sound of your laughter! Can't wait to see more!

  10. That looks like incredible fun!!!
    ♥ Teresa

  11. LOL bless his dare devil antics. We used to slide on a bag down our big hill. It looks like an ant hill now lol. You go Harry!
    Debie xxxx

  12. Looks like fun and a nice long hill.
    I know that laugh, lol.
    Will look forward to seeing Ben!
    Nikki xxx

  13. I videod my kids doing much the same yesterday on the little hill in our close. At one point they rammed into a parked car, but no damage done to anyone or the car. However that is one video I won't be publishing! I had to contain myself from laughing at them but good to hear you laugh.

  14. this was so cool to see!

  15. Looks like he had a lot of fun. I loved your laughing in the background....made me laugh too :-)

  16. Thank you for sharing, Debbie. Your laugh makes me laugh too, sounds like much fun(-:
    In Cologne we have snow too, but not enaugh for snowboarding.
    Hughs from Karin
