Tuesday 12 January 2010

Surprise Birthday Give Away...

Well as you all probably know by now today is my birthday and like last year I've decided to do a Birthday Give Away. But with a bit of a twist I'm not going to show you what you could win, but it will be Miniature. I love surprises and thought it would be lovely for someone else to get a surprise. It will be worth winning. Have a look at last years give away.
Now the only rules are:-

1.That you must be a follower of this blog, either on the blogger followers list or the networked blog list and your answer must be placed in the comments on this post.

2. The question I'd like answering is:- In the Harry Potter books what was the name of Lord Voldemort's Snake.

You have until this Saturday the 16th January to leave your answer. I'll then do as I did last year and put all the correct answers in a Hat and pull the winner on Sunday.
Good Luck everyone....


  1. If my memory serves me right the snakes name is Nagini or Naggini?
    Can't wait to see whats in the box.
    Wish i could peep!
    Hope you had a nice day.
    Nikki xxx

  2. How fun to share your birthday fun with the rest of us! LV's snakes name is Nagini! Ooh can't wait to see whats in the box! Have a great rest of your bday! hugs, Ara

  3. I know it!!! she is Nagini,a biiig looong snake.
    Thank you very much Debbie, you are great as usual. Again, best wishes Rosanna

  4. Ilove surprises...
    The answer is Nagini.
    Thanks for the opportunity.
    Hope you had a wonderful day ;)

  5. Lord Voldemort's snake's name was Nagini. Happy Birthday!!

  6. Oh I know this one it is Nagini and I texted my daughter just to be sure Lol. Happy Birthday Debbie! What fun! Hugs~ Kim

  7. Nagini! You are so sweet, Debbie, giving away a gift! Who doesn't love surprises!!!

    I hope you had a wonderful birthday!


  8. Lord Voldemort's snake was called Nagini. My curiosity is certainly peaked by that box. I will keep my fingers crossed.

  9. Happy Birthday!!!
    Her name is Nagini :)

  10. The snake was Nagini. I probably shouldn't answer because I won the wonderful present last year! Tessie took it away from me, but I still love the tea set. Thanks again, Debbie! Happy Birthday!

  11. I googled and got "Nagini!" Is that cheating?! LOL
    I haven't read the books OR watched the movies YET. That's on my long list of things to do!
    Hope your birthday was really happy!

  12. Of course you chose a question where my bad spelling might bite me... I've already packed my Harry Potter books. ;-)

    I think her name is spelled Nagini.

    Happy Birthday again!

  13. Hi Debbie,
    I've just conferred with the Harry Potter expert in the house and he says the snake is 'Nagini'.
    Hope you've had a wonderful day!

  14. Nagini is the name of Lord "Shall not be named"'s snake :)
    Hope you had a GREAT birthday, you deserve it!!!!


  15. Happy Birthday Debbie, the snakes name is Nagini, Cheers Sharon

  16. The answer is Nagini, anyone else wonder if the snake a horcrux? I'm a couple book and movies behind - I really need to catch up!

  17. I'm ashamed to say I had to google this one LOL I think its Nagini !
    Hope you hadf a wonderful birthday Debbie and ate lots of cake !
    what a lovely way to celebrate with a giveaway :0)
    julie xxx

  18. Dear Debbie, Happy Birthday! it is very nice that you are giving away a surprise gift. The name of the snake is Nagini.
    Hugs, Marisa

  19. It was Nagini And..Happy Birthday! hugs, Christel

  20. Congratulations Debbie ..
    what fun .....
    a give a way ...
    I know, I know, I know ...LOL
    The name of the snake is Nagini ...
    I hope you've had a happy birthday
    Hugs Marja

  21. Hi Debbie!
    Happy Birthday!!!!!
    (knowing eva you know that being late on all evenements is my standard...é_è)

    Tha name of the snaky is Nagini...and good look to all of us for the give away ;-)

    Lots of love to you and a lot of happiness in the new year!

  22. Happy Birhday to You, Debbie!

    The answer is: the name on the snake is Nagini!
    Have a wonderful day, Hugs Lena!

  23. Happy birthday Debbie,thanks for the give away.
    I don´t like the snakes,this one is called Nagini,ARGHH.
    Have a wonderful day!

  24. OOoh exciting! The snake's name is Nagini, the name of a hinduist or buddhist deity. They take the form of a snake, which is why I remember.
    I've looked up several names of beings from the Harry Potter books. It's fun, 'cause JK Rowling uses loads of these sort of references!
    Can't wait 'till sunday!

  25. O this is exciting! The name is Nagini. Hope you had a really good day!

    groetjes Evelien

  26. Happy Birthday To You Debs xxxxx
    Voldys Snake is called Nagini and shes a horcrux.
    Hope you had a nice day.

    Lots of Love

    Debie xxxxxxxxxx

  27. Better late than never…Lord Voldemort’s snake is called Nagini and is a Horcrux.
    Happy Birthday for yesterday! :o)) Hope you had a great one! ;o)

    Snowed in AGAIN! Car got stuck in snow and ice and had to abort travel to work! (sob)

    Michelle xxx

  28. Okay....to be perfectly honest...I have know idea....I'm more of a Jane Austen girl as opposed to a Harry fan, but I look forward to see who wins and what they recieved.
    I hope you had a great day!

    Linda x

  29. Just love surprises Debbie, the answer is Nagini. Have a fab birthday Kate and John xx

  30. Happy Birthday to you Debbie, I hope you had a wonderful day with lots of tiny presents!
    You are so kind and the snakes name is Nagini.

  31. not the first by a long way , but Nagini is the answer... (and no, I didnt look at the other answers first LOL) hope you had a great day yesterday, except for the snow of course.

  32. oK! this is easy, the snake name is Nagini LOL

  33. The snake is called Nagini.
    Hope you had a good day....and hope you do something nice over the weekend too. Everyones birthdays last a week in our house...lol

  34. Hope I'm not too late to the party! Happy Birthday, Debbie! LV nasty snake was called Nagini. Clever to make the prize a surprise!


  35. The name is Nagini. Hope you had a really good day!.besitos ascension

  36. Lord Voldemort's snake was called Nagini.
    ciao!! Caterina

  37. The snakes name is Nagini. I had to Google it :-).
    Thanks! Happy Birthday!!!

  38. After a computer search I found out that it is Nagini.
    I can't wait to see what is inside that package.
    have a great day,

  39. Happy B-dsy! I hope that you have a splendid day and lots to laugh about as well as a wagon full of presents.

    If they all say it is Nagini, then Nagini it must be...
    Now this box... Is there a snake inside?

  40. Nagini
    Hope you had an amazing Birthday.

  41. Nagini...that's the name of the snake...wonderful idea...i'm in...
    soon is my birthday too and i have a birthday candy on my blog...had the same idea!!!
    happybirthday then...xxx :o)

  42. I promise I already knew the name of the snake before I opened the comments section LOL
    My answer you ask: Nagini.

    BTW: happy birthday. Your 39th is it? My birthday wish for you: many happy hours with family & minis.
    hugs Karin

  43. Happy Birthday! The aswer is Nagini! Can't wait what the suprise is!

  44. Nagini! Nasty snake that one...

    Happy Birthday Debbie!

  45. Nagini- although I thought I knew it, I feel a bit like I cheated since I saw all comments confirming my answer. Hope your birthday was wonderful ♥

  46. Nagini! Boy the names in the book are hard to say, let alone remember how to spell them. Happy Birthday to you and I hope and wish you have a grand one!! We do share January birthdays as mine will be this Saturday. I love all your minis and blog and look forward to reading more.

  47. is it monty..? monty the python?

  48. Its Nagini. I am a Harry Potter fan:D

  49. First of all: Happy birthday to you, Debbie. Hope you have had a beautiful day!!!
    Nagini was the name of Lord Valdemort's snake.
    Thanks for this give away, your are very generous!!


  50. The answer is Nagini - which, by the way, it's a Hindi word that means "snake".
    I wish you a very happy birthday!

  51. Nagini!! Happy Birthday, Debbie, hope you had a great one!

    - Grace

  52. Happy Birthday Debbie - I'm so glad you're able to celebrate it and that you've recieved some lovely gifts, and that the continuing snow hasn't spoiled your day.

    Nagini is Voldemort's snake (one of his 7 Horcruxes).

    Best wishes

  53. Nagini, it is as all 54 others have said before me :):). Just want to say , dear Debbie, a big thank you for your personal email :). You must have sent out all 500 + of them to all your followers whose email address you know! You are amazing! Have a truly amazing birthday, Debbie!

  54. I feel like I shouldn't respond either after having won Julie's ghosty girl! But I want to wish you a happy birthday! And I do remember Nagini well! ;)
    I hope your day is beautiful!

  55. Happy birthday again :-)

    And shock horror I actually know the answer to a HP question...even before seeing all these comments ...honest lol.

    The snake is called Nagini.

  56. Nagini she is Voldemort's last remaining Horcrux :-) Happy Birthday love Kat and Pickle the dog xxxxx

  57. Hi Debbie, hope you had a wonderful day. The answer to your question is Nagini.
    xxxxxxxxxxxxx!!!! Anna.

  58. Happy Birthday!

    Nagini is the snakes name.

  59. Happy belated B-day..
    I hope you had a wonderful day of memories that you'll look upon through out the years to come.
    Now answer Nagini

  60. I'm ashamed to say I had to Google the answer, but I hope that doesn't bar me from the competition.
    The answer is Nagini, presumably after the female snake in Kipling's Rikki Tikki Tavi which I remember vividly reading as a child.

    Happy Birthday Debbie - hope you have a good one!

  61. Count me in, pleeease :0) The answer is Nagini. Hope you had a great birthday, Julia xxx

  62. The snakes name is Nagini :)
    Happy Birthday Debbie!

  63. Happy Birthday, Debbie! Has it already been a year since your last? LOL! I hope you had a fantastic day!
    The green female serpent belonging to Lord Voldemort was Nagini.


  64. the answer is Nagini!
    I hope you had a wonderfull birthday? Thanks for this exciting surprise give away party! :D

  65. Now I could just repeat what 64 others have answered, but I really don't have a clue! (well technically speaking that is not quite true anymore haha). But good luck to all who did know the answer. Happy birthday Debby!

  66. What a nice idea!

    An as a Harry Potter fan I know the name of the snake... its's Nagini!

    Hugs from Vienna
