Monday 11 January 2010

Great Gas & Bargain Balls..

Last night while watching the TV, I commented to Mick that I was feeling a bit cold. I felt the radiator and realised the heating had gone off. Now as we are rural our Gas is delivered by Tanker, to a Tank on our property. On the Tank is a little gadget that sends a signal to our supplier and lets them know the Gas is getting low. Its called a Think Tank. Well it had sent the signal, but we hadn't had a delivery due to the weather, and the Gas ran out. Which means for us, no gas to the burners on the cooker, no hot water and no central heating! Lucky for us we have Log burners for back up heating.
Mick rang our supplier at 8.30am this morning and advised them of the situation and I have to say what service! The Tanker was here by 10.30am filling the tank and by 11am I was having a lovely hot shower. To say it was a relief was an under statement as West Wales is supposed to be getting another load of the White stuff tomorrow.
The boys went back to school today, but the car park was like a skating rink. Not many of the Children have been able to make it in, again being rural lots of Farms are still snowed in and the lanes are impassable.
We had to brave it into Town today and I'm so glad we did. I went into one of our little shops and I spied on a bottom shelf a really decorative box, when I pulled it out, to my delight I found that it was filled with 14 Paper Mache baubles and I was even more delighted when I found another box behind it. All the Christmas stuff was reduced by half price so I brought both boxes for the price of one originally. So I came home to a nice warm House with my bargain balls..
Its my Birthday tomorrow and I'm going to holding another Birthday Give away, so make sure you stop by.. XXX


  1. I know about the wonders or not of living in rural England...I loved it mainly though! I miss the real fires and community spirit etc.

    What a great find! I love papier mache balls!
    Michelle xxxx

  2. Lucky girl !! Happy happy birthday Debbie !!!

  3. What a find! Glad to hear that you're warm again as well!

  4. Feliz Cumpleaños!!!!!!!!!!!las cajas y las bolitas son preciosas.besitos ascension

  5. what georgeous balls!! a girl doesnt get to say that very often now does she? !! LOL
    glad you didnt have to wait long to get warm again :o)

  6. What a fantastic find! I love Christmas shopping after Christmas! Glad you are all warm once again! hugs, ara

  7. The balls are so pretty, is a good purchase.
    Tomorrow I will e-mail you again..Happy pre-birthday ;)

  8. wow- what a great find! Early happy birthday wishes to you!! We have gas that is delivered to a tank on our property too- have to keep it shoveled out and easy access or they won't bring us warmth!! Glad to hear they came to your rescue so quickly-even if you do have back-up :)

  9. Bargain balls, what a find!! Just lovely Debbie. Schools are back here too, but no action in the playground much to their disgust lol Kate xx

  10. Gotta love a bargain! And the boxes are beautiful, too!


  11. Happy birthday for tomorrow!(for me it is actually tomorrow already, but for you only in another 2 hours!)
    Debbie, I don't suppose with everybody snowed in that you are planning a huge birthday party?

  12. Looking at the weather reports, the snow will be reaching us by 3pm tomorrow, so a big hug to the gas delivery man :0) The christmas balls look wonderful, what a great find. Have a wonderful birthday tomorrow, Julia & Hywel xx

  13. Those boxes are a treasure in themselves - the balls are a great bonus!

    Have a great birthday!

  14. not all evil comes to harm ... thinks, Debbie, had it not missed the gas, you would not have gone to town... and you would not have bought baubles, little price!!
    ah ah!
    I wish you a happy birthday for tomorrow!

  15. Glad they got your heat up and running fast - This is not the time of the year for furnaces to go out. You did good getting the pretty ornaments for half price. Happy Birthday!

  16. Love your bargain balls, lol, and the boxes are really nice too.
    Glad the gas arrived to make you nice and warm too.
    Talking of hot showers, im off for a nice hot bath.
    Nikki xxx

  17. Beautiful balls Debbie! Hope you have a wonderful warm birthday!

  18. I also have know what it is like to be rual and run out of heat beacouse the oil truck did not deliver. Glad your service people were so quick to respond. I will stop by tomorrow but I just wantedto get in an early Happy Birthday. All the best to you for tomorrow.

  19. Happy birthday !
    The box with the ball is superb. lucky you to have found such a bargain.

  20. Wish you a happy birthday Debbie ((-:
