Friday 26 June 2009

Miniature Village...

Rosanna from La Stanza Di Giuggiola sent me an email today telling me about an article she'd seen from the Daily Mail, concerning a Miniature Village. Here's the link:- Miniature Village.
Apparently a group of Ladies have spent years knitting their whole village in Miniature.

We all been to the Dentist this afternoon for our six monthly check up and then quickly did some food shopping. Not long been back indoors. I can't believe the change in the weather, yesterday it was blazing hot, then last night we watched a storm rolling in over the hills, there was loads of lightening but no rain where we are. Today its really warm but has been raining on and off all day. Weird...

Thursday 25 June 2009

Wonderful Witchy Hats...

I had a lovely surprise this evening. As the boys came in from school they brought the post in and there was a parcel in there for me from Debie over at Piskies and Poppets.
Some time ago Debie needed some miniature test tubes and I sent her some and in exchange she said she'd make me one of her lovely Witchy Hats.
Now as you all know I have a bit of a thing for Miniature Witch Hats, I've got quite a stash of them from Kat over at Kat The Hat's Blog.
Well when I opened the parcel from Debie there wasn't one hat but five! Aren't they absolutely wonderful. Debie has managed to get them all twisted yet retain their shape, its so clever. Even Mick was impressed..
I have all the plans drawn up for my Witches Hat Shop, just need to get my finger out and build it. I've carefully repackaged Debie's hats and stashed them away with the others until their new abode is ready for them.
Thank you so much Debie I Love them all.. xxxx

Sleeper Wall..

I can't believe what we've managed to achieve in a few hours today, with the help of a pick axe and a chain saw.
The first two photographs were taken just before we started work. I wanted a wall built that can be in filled with earth so that we have some level ground at the back of my garden room/shed and log store. It's the stone building you can see behind. Its flat right at the top but then the ground slopes away.
I eventually want to plant this up with Flowers and Vegetables and put a Bench against the wall at the back and have Clematis, Roses and Jasmine growing up the walls. That way we can sit there and enjoy the views, surrounded by sweet smelling flowers..
It was really hard work digging out the earth down the sides, as we are on slate and it did take some hefty whacks with the pick axe to make any head way. Just one more layer of railway sleepers to go and then we will be level with the ground at the back. Then the bracing bars will be screwed on inside the back of the sleeper wall and then I can fill it with earth.
I'm really pleased with the results so far, mind you my muscles are screaming at me now...
I'll be back later with some wonderful miniatures I received in the post today...


Do you remember some time ago we had to move the muck heap and I was on the Dumper truck? Well while the digger was here, we dug out down the side of the barn to enable us to renew the side wall. It had previously been clad with corrugated metal sheeting, but it was showing its age and had completely rusted through at the bottom and was letting water into the barn. So we built a wall on the original barn footings, put up a new wooden supporting structure on top of the wall and yesterday we managed to finish cladding the side in treated timber. It looks so much better and its now rain proof. All that's left to do is render the bricks in a waterproof cement and then move the earth and shingle back to re-level the ground...
Still no movement with the other Mares, I'm beginning to think they are all just fat! although Lil has a small udder. I'm just letting nature take its course and we will just have to wait and see what happens.
Viscount is quite happy running with his Mares Katie, BB and Lemoney and Kai is with Min, Tinkerbell and Tiger Lily. So hopefully we will have six foals next year.. Then the worrying starts all over again. The top photograph shows from left to right Viscount, Katie & BB. BB short for Bush Baby as she was born under a Bush...
Off to build a wall with Railway sleepers now, good job I've got muscles like Arnie...LOL xx

P.S Will be putting lots more photo's over on Hericus Blog later, got to get this wall underway first...

Wednesday 24 June 2009


Just a quick update, to let you all know that all is well at Tiny Treasures.
Still waiting for the other Foals to arrive, can you believe this! By the time they are born their Mums will have been pregnant for a YEAR! Rather them then me.
I've just put lots of photographs over on Hericus Blog of me playing with the Foals. (See told you I need to get a hair dye! LOL) Thought I'd share this picture of me giving little Barney a kiss on the nose. He's so cute...
No miniature work has been done now for weeks and I'm getting withdrawal symptoms, but I just don't seem to have enough time in the day at the moment. At least I can get a fix reading everyone else blogs.
Yesterday, we went over to the House that our friends are buying to measure up and take some internal photographs for them. As they contacted the Seller direct they have no Estate Agent details or measurements. Our friend Tasha also came to see us yesterday and meet little Barney for the first time. She said she'd like to scoop him up and take him home..
Harry's gone to the County Athletics meet today with the school, so hoping that he does well.
I'm off outside now as the weather is glorious and lots of work to do while the Sun shines... xx

Tuesday 23 June 2009

The Hermitage...

Yesterday Misty from Misty's Musings, left a comment on my blog telling me about a wonderful blog called The Hermitage. Here's what Misty said:-
Have you ever seen the blog The Hermitage? I have been following it for a year or so now. They are a couple that made a beautiful home on wheels and are wandering around the UK and she writes beautifully, like a fairy tale and tells of her and her husband's dealings with the country side. They sell their art and attend fairs to make ends meet. They also stop their home in some very interesting places.Someday I would love to visit your country and see all the green and the history. My father was born in Leeds and my other side of the family are from Scotland and Ireland. My daughter has been there but I haven't yet made the trip. Have a wonderful day...Misty

Well on Misty's recommendation I went over and read this blog from start to finish. I got totally caught up in it. As Misty said it's like a Fairy Tale. They have converted a Horse Box into their home and it is totally amazing. The art work is fabulous, you just really need to see it, but make sure you go back in the blog as there are so many wonderful things to see...
They also have a shop on Etsy..

Sunday 21 June 2009

Awards & Update.....

First off I want to Thank Casey of Casey's Minis, Marsha of Sassy Mini Dolls, Kate & John of The Whittaker's Miniatures for awarding me The Light award.
Here's what they said about me:-
Casey said I am choosing Debbie of Tiny Treasures. She always has something wonderful to write about. Tiny ponies and tiny minis.
Marsha said Debbie at Tiny Treasures. I know she's probably already received this award but she is my "light" She was one of the very first blogs I followed and inspired me to really get into blogging. She is so talented and giving.
Kate said To Debbie, who simply could not have chosen a better name for her blog as she surely is an absolute Treasure! Another lovely friend who goes out of her way with.........well just about everyone!! Debbie is like every ones Big Sister, so friendly and helpful, and always more than happy to give out her tips and advice she's learnt along the way. We miss her when she's not in Blogland Daily and look forward to reading what she's been up to both in mini and family life.
Thank you so much Ladies and Gent (We must not forget John).

The Rules of this Award are:-
1.-To complete the following phrase: I AM A LIGHT AND WANT TO ILLUMINATE...
2. - Link the blog from where the award came from and leave a message informing that person it has been received.
So Here Goes I AM A LIGHT AND WANT TO ILLUMINATE BLOG FRIENDSHIPS. I've made some wonderful new friends in Blog Land and some I've had the pleasure to meet in person. We share our aspirations, dreams, families, failures and successes with each other. We laugh with each other and cry with each other. Our Friendships circumnavigate the Globe, long may it continue...
I would like to pass this Light Award on to those that illuminate our lives on a regular basis by the joy of reading their blogs and being their friends.
Debie at Piskies and Poppets for being such a lovely lady, who I have had the pleasure of meeting in person and for her wonderful creations, which she shares with us.
Wendie over at Wendies Mini World, who I first had the pleasure of meeting over on CDHM. Wendie shares her weird and wonderful creations with us. Plus she has Chickens..
Vicky over at NJD Miniatures, who is another wonderful lady that I've met through the blog world and had the pleasure of corresponding with via email. Her work is fabulous.
Nikki over at Witch & Wizard Miniatures who I class as a really good mate, who has a fantastic imagination and creates the most wonderful miniatures.
And last but not least to all my other followers and friends, please take this award and pass it on to illuminate more friendships across the world...

I'd also like to say a big Thank You to Kat over at Kat The Hat's Blog Page, for my Witchy Poo Award.. If you've not been over to Kat's page then I suggest you do. Kat makes the most wonderful miniature Hats.

Well on the home front we are still waiting for the other Mum's to be to deliver their little packages. It's getting beyond a joke now. I'm sure there just doing it to give me a few more Grey hairs.. (That reminds me I must get a hair dye when I eventually go out)..LOL
Our friends who came to stay and were looking for a property here, have found one. It's a wonderful old Welsh Long House and is filled with wonderful nooks and crannies and has the added bonus of 24 acres of land. It's literally 5 minutes down the road. We are all really excited that they will be moving up, just keeping our fingers crossed that it all goes without a hitch.
I've also been catching up with a few of my other dear friends and family by phone over the weekend Tanya, Val, Mandie, Mandy, Christine, Tracy and Ruth. It was great to catch up with all your news Ladies. Mandie I wish you a very speedy recovery and hope you will be able to go home soon..xxxx
Also wishing all the Dad's out there a very Happy Father's Day...

Friday 19 June 2009

Ben's Photography Exam....

This morning Mick and I was invited to Ben & Harry's School to view Ben's final pieces for his Photography Exam. Ben is in the lower Sixth Form or Year 12 as they call it now.
He has done two large pieces on Phobia's. One is his phobia about Spiders and the other one is on my Phobia, "Clowns".. In the Spider piece Ben constructed a large Spiders Web and then took pictures of Spiders and webs and these were placed over the web. In the second piece about Clowns, Ben made a mask which his friend Ollie wore, then Ben took photographs of him on a flight of stairs in the School. Its really creepy as four of the photographs are in black and white and only the mask is in colour. He also did a collage of photograph's that he's taken throughout his course.
For his final exam piece he chose "Time Line", he used photographs of my Dad, his Pop's from a child to adulthood, he took a panoramic view of the school grounds and then placed photographs of my Dad into it. It starts in Black and White and then seamlessly runs into colour. There's even a picture of my Dad's face in the clouds. If you click on the photo's they will pop up bigger and you can just see my Dad's face above the Dragon sculpture. I'd already seen this on normal paper, but what a difference when I saw it on proper photographic paper and all put together. Ben will be allowed to keep all his pieces and this one we are going to get framed. My Dad would have been totally chuffed to bits with it and so proud of Ben. I have to admit it did bring a tear to my eye.
We had a really good look round at all the other pupils work and there was some fantastic photography.
Just got to wait now for his final exam results to find out what grade he has achieved...

Monica's The Burrow In Miniature...

Monica over at A Mini Nut's Minis, has started another blog called The Weasley's Burrow In Miniature.
Monica is going to build the Burrow in 1in scale, what a challenge... She's currently in the planning stages, but I can't wait to see this one. Its going to be so interesting seeing this all come together.
Good luck Monica, we are with you all the way...

Tuesday 16 June 2009

Welcome.. And Update...

I have been rather re-miss and not welcomed my new followers.
So I'd like to say a really BIG WELCOME to:-
Snowfern who's blog is called Snowfern Clover, wonderful miniatures and jewellery on this blog.
Eliza who's blog is called Wasting Gold Paper. Eliza has only been blogging since May, but has already shared some wonderful miniatures on her blog.
Misty from Misty's Musings, if you love Dragon's then this blog is a must see. Misty makes full size Dragon's which are totally incredible. I've been following Misty's blog for quite a long time. I still think she ought to try her hand at some miniature ones..LOL
Westerlund who's blog is called Westerlund.
And last but not least is Jessie from Beyond Baffled. Who's blog is filled with Miniatures...
As always please go over and say Hi...

Just a quick update on the home front, we currently have some friends staying with us, who are House Hunting, so yesterday we spent most of the day out and about viewing Houses. They've got seven to look at today...! They are out viewing at the moment.
Harry had a great time in France and really enjoyed his trip. Although he came home 9LB lighter then he went. Harry is tall and thin like a Willow but could eat for the United Kingdom. His Jeans were hanging off him..He's made up for his weight loss since he's been back.
Ben has finished his AS levels and is on work experience this week with our friend James.
As for the Ponies still no movement, they are well overdue now. But as soon as another one gives birth I'll let you all know.
I am trying to keep up with all of your blogs and hopefully will be back to my daily postings shortly... xxxx

Saturday 13 June 2009

Barney & Beau..

Just taken these photographs of the little Munchkins and had to share them with you all.
As you can see there is quite a difference in size between the pair of them. There is exactly four weeks between them.
Barney was much smaller then Beau at Birth.
If you click on the pictures they will pop up bigger.

Debie Lyons - Abernathy Cricklebank

Just to let everyone know that Debie of Piskies & Poppets has one of her fabulous dolls up for Auction on EBay at the moment.
Meet Abernathy Cricklebank, isn't he wonderful, I just love his kindly face and what a fabulous hat..
I was very lucky to meet Debie at Miniaturia and she is a really lovely lady and her Dolls are fabulous.
Here's the link to Debie's Ebay :-

Just to let you all know that I've put some more pictures of the Foals over on Hericus Blog today...

Friday 12 June 2009

Hello.. My Name's Beau ..Whats Your Name?

Hello.. My name is Beau, what's your name?
Well after much debate the newest baby has a name..
His full stable name is Hericus Barnabas, Barney for short. Harry wanted Brutus, but the name just did not suit this tiny little one.
Beau is very happy to have a little play mate, but does get a little over enthusiastic. I had to go and play with Beau for an hour yesterday, to give Barney a break for a well needed nap.
As you can see from the bottom photograph, there is quite a marked difference in size between Beau and Barney. Beau is standing just behind his Mum. If you click on the pictures they will pop up bigger.
There's some more photographs over on Hericus Blog.

Thank You Mary...

Just wanted to say a very Big Thank You to Mary over at Miz Mary's Minis for designing my new blog header for me.
Mary sent me a email saying it was a Pony Baby Shower Gift, how kind was that. I Love it and going by the reaction's I've had so far, so does everyone else.
If you haven't been over to Mary's blog page, then I suggest you do. Its always a very entertaining read.
Thanks again Mary.. xxx

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Oh What A Night...

After the shock birth on the drive, last night. Mum and Baby were moved into a nice warm stable to do their bonding.
We made sure baby had his first drink and Pooh! (Yes you do have to check everything). Then went indoors to have a celebratory cup of tea. After about 30 minutes, we went back to check everything was OK and I wasn't happy with the look and behaviour of Muffy, who was stamping the ground, getting down, then up again. So called the emergency vet out. The poor girl had Colic and boy was she in a state. We walked her round and round the stable, waiting for the vet to arrive, the poor foal must have been so dizzy following its Mum. The vet arrived gave her a couple of jabs, checked all was well at the birth end and we stood with her and watched the medication take effect. Our Dutch Vet Wim is brilliant. By now it is Midnight!..
Saw the Vet off then came in for another cuppa and tried to catch up with some of your blogs. (I did try to leave comments on as many as possible!). Then back down the stable's at 1.30am to check all was well and baby was feeding. Finally at 3am, went to bed...
Muffy was perfectly fine at 7am morning and baby is up and about and feeding really well.
We noticed after he'd dried off in the stable last night, that he has a little lightening streak on his bottom, do we have another Harry Potter Fan in our midst? or was he kissed by the Angels?. Took these pictures this morning. If you click on them they will pop up bigger...
Our little chap hasn't got a name yet, but will have by this evening. Will try and update later, back down to the Stables

Monday 8 June 2009

****News Flash**** New Baby.....

After all the waiting, there was a knock on the Door this evening at 8pm telling us that Muffy had just given birth in our drive.
It was a mad dash up the drive to find Muffy laying on the floor with the foal standing beside her. I would not have minded but we'd only checked her a little while before.
Mum and Son are now safe and warm in the Stable..
Will be back later with an update....

Saturday 6 June 2009


Just a quick update...
Mick's Parents are here and are staying until Wednesday. Then we have some other friends coming to stay. One in, one out...
I heard from Harry last night, he's having a great time in France. He said that they'd been to an Aquarium and seen a Bird Show, which he's taken lots of photographs of. He was off to a Disco last night. I so glad that he's enjoying his trip, but I will be glad to see him on Sunday night. I miss the boys when their away.
As for the Mares they are still holding on. (maybe they are holding on for Harry's return?). They are absolutely huge, its a wonder they haven't exploded. Just wish they would uncross their legs and get on with it. There's only so much sleep deprivation I can take and after losing the other foal, you can imagine it is so hard to settle. Walking around on Tender Hooks would be an appropriate expression.
I'm missing you all in the blogosphere and will have to do some major catching up, when every thing has settled down here. To those of you still awaiting parcels from me, I haven't forgotten, just haven't been out to the post office..Sorry..

Tuesday 2 June 2009

Thank You Everybody..

Just wanted to say a very Big Thank you to everyone, that left comments on the last post and for all the wonderful emails you sent. It meant a great deal to all of us, that you were thinking of us. Cameo is completely fine and is quite happy grazing with the others. So hopefully no lasting effects on her.
After having such a sad start to the day on Thursday, our friends arrived from Kent in the afternoon and we ended up having a lovely weekend. They left on Sunday Morning. Then Harry went away with the school on Sunday afternoon, to do his half of the French exchange. He rang me last night to say that he had arrived safe and well and where was his phone charger!.. (Typical Boy).
We also had a meeting at the Riding school last night, about the Medieval Fun Day, which is being held on 15th August. Ben stayed at home on alert, in case anything happened while we were out.
Mick's parents are coming up today and we are busy fertilizing the fields, the weather is wonderful and the Sun is blazing.
There is still no movement with the other Mares, who are now overdue, so your guess is as good as mine as to when they will foal..
I'll update as soon as we have any news...