Friday 12 June 2009

Thank You Mary...

Just wanted to say a very Big Thank You to Mary over at Miz Mary's Minis for designing my new blog header for me.
Mary sent me a email saying it was a Pony Baby Shower Gift, how kind was that. I Love it and going by the reaction's I've had so far, so does everyone else.
If you haven't been over to Mary's blog page, then I suggest you do. Its always a very entertaining read.
Thanks again Mary.. xxx


  1. That is so gorgeous, green is my second fav colour close to purple, so loving this page!! Well done Mary, what a lovely kind idea, Kate xx

  2. I love it! What a lovely gift from Mary! :)

  3. Its lovely gift for a lovely person. Thank you for the test tubes they arrived safely xxx
    It looks great :O)
    Debie xxx

  4. You are very welcome, Debbie. The ponies indeed are "tiny treasures!"


  5. Mary does make lovely things, doesn't she. :-)

    The new header is wonderful.

  6. Glad you went with Barney. It's a lovely name and suits him.
    Barney was my brothers name and so it's a special name to me. I shall look forward to meeting this one.
    Fingers crossed the others hurry up. It's nice to see the little ones out and about in the nice weather.
    I didnt manage to leave a comment in your previous post. Its a lovely banner for your blog and looks fabulous the way all the colours merge into each other.
