Saturday 13 June 2009

Debie Lyons - Abernathy Cricklebank

Just to let everyone know that Debie of Piskies & Poppets has one of her fabulous dolls up for Auction on EBay at the moment.
Meet Abernathy Cricklebank, isn't he wonderful, I just love his kindly face and what a fabulous hat..
I was very lucky to meet Debie at Miniaturia and she is a really lovely lady and her Dolls are fabulous.
Here's the link to Debie's Ebay :-

Just to let you all know that I've put some more pictures of the Foals over on Hericus Blog today...


  1. Awwwwww Debbie, bless you and thank you. ((((((((((( hugs ))))))))
    Debie xxx

  2. I saw her on Debie's page. Abernathy Cricklebank is just fab! I love the name too! :)
