Tuesday 16 June 2009

Welcome.. And Update...

I have been rather re-miss and not welcomed my new followers.
So I'd like to say a really BIG WELCOME to:-
Snowfern who's blog is called Snowfern Clover, wonderful miniatures and jewellery on this blog.
Eliza who's blog is called Wasting Gold Paper. Eliza has only been blogging since May, but has already shared some wonderful miniatures on her blog.
Misty from Misty's Musings, if you love Dragon's then this blog is a must see. Misty makes full size Dragon's which are totally incredible. I've been following Misty's blog for quite a long time. I still think she ought to try her hand at some miniature ones..LOL
Westerlund who's blog is called Westerlund.
And last but not least is Jessie from Beyond Baffled. Who's blog is filled with Miniatures...
As always please go over and say Hi...

Just a quick update on the home front, we currently have some friends staying with us, who are House Hunting, so yesterday we spent most of the day out and about viewing Houses. They've got seven to look at today...! They are out viewing at the moment.
Harry had a great time in France and really enjoyed his trip. Although he came home 9LB lighter then he went. Harry is tall and thin like a Willow but could eat for the United Kingdom. His Jeans were hanging off him..He's made up for his weight loss since he's been back.
Ben has finished his AS levels and is on work experience this week with our friend James.
As for the Ponies still no movement, they are well overdue now. But as soon as another one gives birth I'll let you all know.
I am trying to keep up with all of your blogs and hopefully will be back to my daily postings shortly... xxxx


  1. Glad to hear all is well on the homefront! Those poor Momma's....I bet they're huge!! I bet they're just as ready as you are!! LOL....I wanna be out house hunting!!! :) Especially in Wales!!

  2. Hi Debbie, just a little message to let you know that Laura and I, we love the new born ponies and we send you a big big hug

  3. Hi Debbie, I'm glad to hear that everything is ok at your place. I'm glad for Harry who had a nice experience. We could arrange his coming to Genoa as well sooner or later, I love having children ( ehm ehm, young men, Matteo is looking over my shoulder) around.Hopefully the ponies will give up and you'll be able to breath again. Big hugs

  4. You've certainly got your hands full, Debbie!

    Good luck to your friends in their house hunting efforts and hope the little ponies will arrive soon . . . safe and sound!

    Take care,

  5. Debbie, you have a new award waiting ove at my blog. Please come and get it.

  6. Hi Debbie, I have an award for you on my blog! LOL, I think you're probably going to receive it many times over!! Hugs, Marsha

  7. Hi Debbie, youve been so busy , lovely to see you posting, there an award for you on our blog, Kate xx
