Thursday 25 June 2009


Do you remember some time ago we had to move the muck heap and I was on the Dumper truck? Well while the digger was here, we dug out down the side of the barn to enable us to renew the side wall. It had previously been clad with corrugated metal sheeting, but it was showing its age and had completely rusted through at the bottom and was letting water into the barn. So we built a wall on the original barn footings, put up a new wooden supporting structure on top of the wall and yesterday we managed to finish cladding the side in treated timber. It looks so much better and its now rain proof. All that's left to do is render the bricks in a waterproof cement and then move the earth and shingle back to re-level the ground...
Still no movement with the other Mares, I'm beginning to think they are all just fat! although Lil has a small udder. I'm just letting nature take its course and we will just have to wait and see what happens.
Viscount is quite happy running with his Mares Katie, BB and Lemoney and Kai is with Min, Tinkerbell and Tiger Lily. So hopefully we will have six foals next year.. Then the worrying starts all over again. The top photograph shows from left to right Viscount, Katie & BB. BB short for Bush Baby as she was born under a Bush...
Off to build a wall with Railway sleepers now, good job I've got muscles like Arnie...LOL xx

P.S Will be putting lots more photo's over on Hericus Blog later, got to get this wall underway first...


  1. Such a huge work but it looks so good now. It must be realyl satisfactory. The ponies look so happy and relaxed, I wish I were one of them.Hugs

  2. Oh man, I wonder if all of them are plotting to give birth all at the same time!!! Yikes... wouldn't that be a crazy night! Good luck with your wall! -ara

  3. Gosh you are doing a lot of

  4. The barn is looking really good. I hope the ponies appreciate your hard work. :-)
