Wednesday 29 April 2009

Mini Treasures..

Whilst trawling the web the other day, I came across a link to a blog called Mini Treasures.
On reading it Johanna, gives a link to the Mini Treasures Wiki. So I went over to have a look and it is a comprehensive list of Blogs, Websites, shops etc,.
On going to the English Blog page, I was really surprised to see written on the blog see also Tiny Treasures Mini Links. Gosh I'm famous.. LOL
Now with this Wiki, you registrar and then you can add your own links straight on there.
Johanna has already contacted me by email and asked if I would join the group as an editor.
If you don't know or have never heard of a Wiki, go to this link and it explains it. Wiki in Plain English.
So Ladies and Gents go over and have a look, then if you want to join, you can add your links and any other Miniature Links that you know of. Quite a few of us have already been listed..

Welcome to Jill Miles..

A big Welcome to Jill Miles of The Miniature Cake Shop Blog. Jill also has a website of the same name The Miniature Cake Shop.

Jill has only just started her blog, so please go over and say Hi and Welcome Jill to the blogosphere..

Also just to let everyone know that I've been adding lots of new links over on Tiny Treasures Mini Links Page. There's over 400 Miniature blogs on there now, that's without all the other links.

Tuesday 28 April 2009


A Big Welcome to another three followers they are:-

Lavecinita who's blog is called El rincon de Lavecinita.

Ana who's blog is called Mis Minis. Ana has only been blogging since March, but has already shared lots of her creations

And last but not least Wendie who I met over on CDHM and is also my friend on Facebook. Wendie has only just started her blog called Wendies Mini World. Wendie creates the unusual Dolls. She also has her own web site and also sells her creations on EBay.

As always please go over and say Hello and Welcome..

Monday 27 April 2009


I'm sorry to everyone that pops in every day, that I haven't got anything new to show you.

I've had a really busy weekend. Worked outside most of Saturday and in the evening I just chilled out. Then yesterday we went to our Shetland Groups Spring Show and by 10.30pm last night I was out for the count. Which is very unlike me, I don't normally hit my bed till nearly Midnight or after.
Been out this morning to see my Friend Tash (The Boot Sale Queen), who was going off this afternoon to look at a puppy... I've had a telephone call and she's come home with not one but two puppies.. They are Miniature Daschunds. The little tiny one is called Harley he's pedigree name Silver Patchwork and is 9 weeks old and the larger one is Ben and he's 7 months old. Tash has just emailed me these pictures.
I'm off out tonight to a meeting at Harry's Riding School, as I'm on the committee to help arrange a Medieval Fun Day on 15th August. I'm already making the shields to hang all over the place and trying to organise the Raffle prizes. Also trying to arrange outfits for us all, Harry wants to be the Black Knight! Hopefully Harry's God Father that deals with film props is going to get that sorted for us. Mick said he'd dress up a a serving wench, that should be a laugh with his hairy chest and beard and I totally refused to wear a dress, so I'm going to either dress as a Knight or Page and as I'm taking some Ponies for the Petting corner, it will be easier if I've got trousers on.

Sunday 26 April 2009


A Big Welcome to another three followers they are:-
Dianet Quesada, who I can't find a blog for. Dianet if you have a blog please email me your link.
Carolina Gonzalez who has a blog called the Digital Rose and a personnel blog which contains her Miniatures called Carolina Gonzalez. Carolina also has more then one Etsy Shop, if you go over to the Digital Rose blog, there are links on there to the shops.

And last but not least Necotti, who's blog is called
Miniature. He is very new to the blogoshere.

As always please go over and say Hello...

Just had a comment from Christine she has just started a blog called Miniature Magick, where they are building their dream Witch House...

Friday 24 April 2009

More Gooey Barrels..

I've painted some more barrels and filled another couple with gooey stuff, bubbles and bones.
These are for the Apothecary.
As you can see, still got plenty to fill.
Very busy at the moment, trying to get lots done outside, before the Foals arrive.
Due rain tonight which we could really do without.

Thursday 23 April 2009


Welcome to another three followers, they are:-

Disarmywife who's blog is called Deborah's Daily Dish. She also has a lovely Flickr album, which I've been and had a good nose at and I really like the Dragons and the Octopus, which are all made from Polymer Clay, plus she sells on Etsy.

Vuokko who has two blogs Kransseja and Kurkistus Nukkekotimaaimaan, there are some lovely Miniatures on there.

Debie from Piskies And Poppets. Debie makes the most wonderful Dolls. She also has a web site, also called Piskies And Poppets. Now I've just realised that Nikki and I spoke to Debie at Miniaturia, as both myself and Nikki liked her Doll Lily Lovebloom. Debie was there promoting D.A.M.E.. And if I remember rightly, I also pointed out a Witch Doll that I had seen on EBay and really liked, and Debie told me that she is now the lucky owner. How's that for a small world. I still have your Handmade business card Debie..

As always please go over and say Hello, to these very talented ladies...

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Welcome Christine..

A very big Welcome to another follower, Christine of Dandelion Fair.
Christine makes the most wonderful, adorable carved wooden animals.
Just have a look at her album.
Christine is very new to the blogosphere, so please go over and say Hello, and give her a big welcome..

Miniatures For The Apothecary

Do you remember the lovely little Cauldron that my friend Nikki from Witch & Wizard Miniatures made for me?
Well last night I decided to fill him up with some lovely gooey green bubbles. He now looks like he's having a bad hair day and throwing his arms up in disgust. LOL.
I also filled up some more test tubes and made a couple that look as if the contents are spilling out.


A Big Welcome to another three followers they are:-
Tippaliisa, who has two blogs Nukkekoti Reina? and Tippaliisan nallet ja muut minikasityot. Both of which contain Miniatures.
Susan from Susan's Mini Homes. Susan has only recently started blogging, but she's already shared some lovely Miniatures over on her blog.
And last but not least is Dwaallicht who's blog is called Dromen, and is filled with lots of Miniatures and there is also a tutorial on there to make some slippers.

As always please go over and say Hello...

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Some More Old Stuff...

Got quite a busy day today. So thought I'd show you some more of my older stuff.
Top photo, preparing Tomatoes.
Second Photo is a Tray of Petit Fours and the last picture is a plate of Prawn and Meat Kebabs.
I was working on something else for Diagon Alley last night, but its not finished yet, so hopefully will show you later.

Monday 20 April 2009

Test Tubes..

This afternoon, I had a go at filling the Test Tubes for the table in the Apothecary. I'm quite pleased with the results. They were quite difficult to fill as they are so tiny. I also found this little bottle in my stash and filled that as well.
I wanted to try it out on these first, before moving on to the larger pieces of Lab Glass..

Pie, Mash & Liquor for Casey & Katie...

This is an explanation of the traditional pie and mash shop for Casey & Katie, who asked about Pie & Mash in my previous post. So if your ever in London, find a Pie & Mash shop and give it a try.
I made mine as a joke for my Dad, who originally came from the East End of London and loved his Pie & Mash, with plenty of Vinegar and Black Pepper.
Manze's have always been the best Pie & Mash shops, the picture of this shop is in Peckham, South East London and I often used to go there with my friends at lunch time from work, when I worked in The Old Kent Road. But I would just have the Pie and Mash without the Liquor.

Pie and mash is a traditional London working class food. Pie, mash and stewed eels shops have been in London since the 18th century and are still common in south and east London and also found in many parts of Essex.[1]

Pie Mash & Liquor

The main dish sold is pie and mash — a minced beef pie and mashed potato. It is common for the mashed potato to be spread around one side of the plate and for a type of parsley sauce called liquor (although it is non-alcoholic) to be added. Liquor traditionally has a green colour which is not from food colouring but the parsley. It is also traditionally made using the water kept from the preparation of the stewed eels.

Traditionally the shops have white tile walls, with marble floors, tables and work tops, easy to clean and giving a Victorian appearance.

Jellied eels are another London speciality often sold in pie and mash shops. Chilli-vinegar (vinegar containing pickled chillies) is also traditionally served with both of these dishes.

The pies, mash potato and stewed eels are all prepared on the premises. Jellied eels are usually bought ready prepared.

Recently pie and mash shops have started to offer vegetarian pies and also menus for children which has met with a measure of success. It is possible to buy pie and mash on the internet.

Something Old...

Nothing new to show you, so I thought I'd show you some of my old work.
These were all sold on Ebay.
First photo is of a platter of Prawn Salad, second photo is a board of Sushi and last but not least is Pie, Mash & Liquor. Mick and the Boys Love proper Pie and Mash & Liquor, but I can't bear the Liquor...

Welcome to Jeanine I and JJ..

More Followers Today..

A very big Welcome to Jeanine I and JJ, unfortunately I can't find a blog for either of them.

Ladies if you do have blogs, please leave a comment on here with your links and I'll add them to this post. Then everyone can come over and say Hi..

Sunday 19 April 2009

Welcome Susanne...

A Big Welcome to Susanne who is my 175th follower..
Susanne has 3 blogs, if you click on her name it will take you over to her profile.
One of Susanne's blogs is called Villa Juulia and is devoted to her Miniatures. I've been following her blog for some time. I love her little shabby chic signs.

As always please go over and say Hi...

Saturday 18 April 2009

Family Size Rat Pie..!

I'm trying to work my way through my "To Do List", and there's plenty to do on there..
A friend from the blogosphere, asked me to make them a Rat Pie, so I made a Family size one for her, as a gift. I added the varnish this morning and it is drying as I type.
I've emailed her this morning and sent a picture, but I'll leave it up to her to reveal who she is.
I hope she likes it...

This morning, I asked Harry to go and check the Ponies for me, cause as you know we are awaiting some new arrivals. He came flying back in the House, saying "Mum, I think Lil is having her foal now!". So I've shot down the Yard, but it was a false alarm, she was just lying down having a nap.. Phew.. Thought I'd been caught out..

Friday 17 April 2009

Vegetable Board For A Friend..

Here's another little creation I've been working on. Someone out there in blog land, asked me ages ago to make her a Vegetable Board and here is the result. She's already seen it, but I can't give the game away...
On the board is a Cabbage, Swede, Pumpkin, Sweetcorn, Carrots, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Parsnip, Garlic, Pepper, Peas, Brussels Sprouts, Onion, Mushrooms and Carrot Slices and nearly forgot a little vegetable knife..

Thank you everyone that left comments on the Buttered Toast Post. I can tell you who its for now as she's shared it on her blog. I made them for Tara over at The Dollhouse at Pooh Corner. Tara is making me some little packages for Honeydukes.

Welcome.. Ingrid & Ayala

Welcome to two more followers, I still can't believe so many people are reading my ramblings.
They are Ingrid who's blog is called My Day, its a lovely blog filled with lovely pictures and reading back in the posts, Ingrid has a large Dolls House to renovate, it belonged to her Mother.
Also a Welcome to Ayala who has a blog called Ayala Art Cards ~ Dolls, she is also a team member of MRSBO and Small Format Art blogs.

As always please go over and say Hi...

Thursday 16 April 2009

Buttered Toast...

Last night I made some Buttered Toast for a blogging friend. I won't tell you who yet, but she has already seen it. If you click on the photo's they should pop up bigger.
I'm also working on some other bits and pieces for some other friends and I'll share them with you all once their ready..
Off to do myself some real toast now..

Welcome ....Ara & Phillipe

A Big Welcome to another two followers they are:-
Ara who's blog is called Addams Family Mini-Mansion. Ara has only just started her blog, she is currently in the planning stages of building The Addams Family Mansion in Miniature. What a great project. Really looking forward to seeing how it all comes together.
Phillipe who I can't find a blog for, but he does have a ETSY shop and a Flickr Album. Phillipe is an Artist who paints Fairy Tale Art. I've been having a look through his Flickr album, and really like his art. There's some wonderful pictures on there. Phillipe if your reading this and have a blog, please email the link and I'll add it.
As always please go over and say Hi...

Wednesday 15 April 2009

The Fantasy Forest...

While trawling the web last night, I came across a new blog by Sumaiya, called The Fantasy Forest. It is filled with some wonderful creations, by different Artists and is well worth a visit. These are just a couple of images from the blog. I emailed Sumaiya, asking if it was OK to share the new blog here and she kindly agreed.
Now a lot of you will know Sumaiya, as she is the lady behind The Mini Food Blog, of which I am a Team Member. But did you also know that Sumaiya writes twelve blogs, yes I did say TWELVE! Which are nearly all related to Dolls House's and Miniatures.
If you click on Sumaiya's name it will take you over to her profile with a list of the blogs she writes.
Sumaiya also makes the most wonderful Exotic Dolls, many of them have Henna designs painted on them.
If you like Fantasy, your love The Fantasy Forest blog.
Please go over and take a look and make sure you go back in the posts, to see all the wonderful creations and let Sumaiya know I sent you..


Welcome to another two followers, they are:-
Sahm who's blog is called ~Chez Vies ~, Sahm's blog is devoted to her needle work.
Ma Del Carmen, who has three blogs, one of which is called El Rincon Mini De Mary, and is filled with wonderful miniatures.

As always please go over and say Hi...

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Digital Dollhouse Blog..

Do you remember back in February, I told you about the Digital Dollhouse. Well today I had an email from Ruby, letting me know that The Digital Dollhouse now has a blog of the same name.
These images are digital images taken from the blog. Aren't the graphics fantastic, they look real.
Please go over and have a look at the blog and web site...

Monday 13 April 2009

Some More Of Belles "An" Beaus...

As you can see by these photographs, Belles "An" Beaus is a complete mess. It was something that I started about six years ago. It all looks too cluttered.
I think I might turf the whole thing out and start again. But that's for another day..
The second picture is the ceiling, the centre rose still has to be put up. Its laying on the floor of the Shop at the moment. I used a bag of Wedding Confetti, to do the ceiling. Drew a faint Circle and then worked around it with the Cherubs, then in filled with tiny Stars in a random pattern..