Thursday 16 April 2009

Welcome ....Ara & Phillipe

A Big Welcome to another two followers they are:-
Ara who's blog is called Addams Family Mini-Mansion. Ara has only just started her blog, she is currently in the planning stages of building The Addams Family Mansion in Miniature. What a great project. Really looking forward to seeing how it all comes together.
Phillipe who I can't find a blog for, but he does have a ETSY shop and a Flickr Album. Phillipe is an Artist who paints Fairy Tale Art. I've been having a look through his Flickr album, and really like his art. There's some wonderful pictures on there. Phillipe if your reading this and have a blog, please email the link and I'll add it.
As always please go over and say Hi...


  1. Two wonderful New Followers Debbie... We are happy that Ara has also joined us...great work. And Phillipe's work is WONDERFUL!!!

    Your Followers grow and grow...and why have a Wonderful Blog!!


  2. Thanks Jodi, I Love your blog as well.

    Isn't Phillipe's work great. I spent some time on his album this morning having a good look.

    Ara's project is going to be fab..Really looking forward to seeing how it all comes together..

  3. Thanks for the wonderful welcome Debbie! I have been in AZ this past weekend and I am just getting back to the computer. I am looking forward to looking through Phillipe's work as well!!! -Ara
