Wednesday 29 April 2009

Welcome to Jill Miles..

A big Welcome to Jill Miles of The Miniature Cake Shop Blog. Jill also has a website of the same name The Miniature Cake Shop.

Jill has only just started her blog, so please go over and say Hi and Welcome Jill to the blogosphere..

Also just to let everyone know that I've been adding lots of new links over on Tiny Treasures Mini Links Page. There's over 400 Miniature blogs on there now, that's without all the other links.


  1. That links page must have taken forever! thanx for adding me to it..... although methinks I should have named my blog with an 'A' not a 'W'!! LOL

  2. Yo no me habia presentado, perdón , pero no sé ingles.
    Mi nombre es Carmen, y el nik es Dora. Soy una apasionada de las miniaturas sobre todo las casitas.Soy seguidora tuya y me encanta todo lo que haces. Felicidades.
    Un saludo Carmen.

  3. Hi Debbie!I just wanted to tell you that I mentioned your blog as one of my favourites in an interview at Autonomous Artisans magazine blog :-)

  4. Wendie, I'm always adding to the link page.

    Carmen, your links are on my blog.

    Katrina thank you so much for the mention, that was really kind of you.
