Sunday 26 April 2009


A Big Welcome to another three followers they are:-
Dianet Quesada, who I can't find a blog for. Dianet if you have a blog please email me your link.
Carolina Gonzalez who has a blog called the Digital Rose and a personnel blog which contains her Miniatures called Carolina Gonzalez. Carolina also has more then one Etsy Shop, if you go over to the Digital Rose blog, there are links on there to the shops.

And last but not least Necotti, who's blog is called
Miniature. He is very new to the blogoshere.

As always please go over and say Hello...

Just had a comment from Christine she has just started a blog called Miniature Magick, where they are building their dream Witch House...

1 comment:

  1. Hey thanks for the mention, you are too nice! I have just started a miniature blog (for if you want to change the link to a more related one) - the link is

    Oh, and I had to say it - I LOVE your blog!
