Monday 27 April 2009


I'm sorry to everyone that pops in every day, that I haven't got anything new to show you.

I've had a really busy weekend. Worked outside most of Saturday and in the evening I just chilled out. Then yesterday we went to our Shetland Groups Spring Show and by 10.30pm last night I was out for the count. Which is very unlike me, I don't normally hit my bed till nearly Midnight or after.
Been out this morning to see my Friend Tash (The Boot Sale Queen), who was going off this afternoon to look at a puppy... I've had a telephone call and she's come home with not one but two puppies.. They are Miniature Daschunds. The little tiny one is called Harley he's pedigree name Silver Patchwork and is 9 weeks old and the larger one is Ben and he's 7 months old. Tash has just emailed me these pictures.
I'm off out tonight to a meeting at Harry's Riding School, as I'm on the committee to help arrange a Medieval Fun Day on 15th August. I'm already making the shields to hang all over the place and trying to organise the Raffle prizes. Also trying to arrange outfits for us all, Harry wants to be the Black Knight! Hopefully Harry's God Father that deals with film props is going to get that sorted for us. Mick said he'd dress up a a serving wench, that should be a laugh with his hairy chest and beard and I totally refused to wear a dress, so I'm going to either dress as a Knight or Page and as I'm taking some Ponies for the Petting corner, it will be easier if I've got trousers on.


  1. How precious they are!!! Medieval Fun day sounds like a hoot! You'll have to post pictures!!! :)

  2. Those doggies are just too cute...Its okay Debbie we realize you have a real life too! Lol. Mini hugs!

  3. I was just getting ready to email you to make sure everything was OK....LOL.....Thought maybe there had been some action in the barn or something! I can't believe you do all you do! Do ya ever sit still?? LOL...Can't wait to see the family in costume....Haha! Sounds like a blast!

  4. It sounds very exciting! I' glad for your family. The pets are wonderful, my best loved bree.

  5. They are just the cutest puppies ever.
    I grew up with daschunds and the older one here looks like my childhood dog called Tara. I know people think daschunds all look the same but they don't.
    Hope they are both as friendly as Tara was. Oh what fun i had with that dog... lol
    Her mother Ivy was a biter so didnt go near her but Tara was the nicest dog i've ever know.
    The little boy looks really happy cuddling them.
    Yes, i would go as a knight too. It's a much better outfit. I too would refuse the dress.
    Hope you have fun making everything but it all sems loads to organise.
    Make sure you get pics of Mick wearing a dress... Lol
    Nikki x

  6. What a lovely puppies!
    * marlies

  7. A very nice dogs.
    I love animals, expecially cats but all kind of animals are a gift from life.

  8. Those puppy pics are sooo have to post some pics up of the medieval day when you get a spare sounds like great fun

  9. Doggies are so cute arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I must find a photo of my dog Pickle to put on my blog page!My mother in law has a little daschund called fudge! She is so loving and even though she is old now she still give my Pickle a run for his money ha ha!
