Tuesday 31 March 2009


Welcome to another new follower, Inkivaari who's blog is called Periferialife. It is filled with the most wonderful photography. Beautiful scenery and Flowers..
As always please go over and say Hi...

Happy Birthday...

Wanted to Say A Big Happy Birthday to Alfie.
I hope you have a wonderful day Alfie, and get lots of presents..

Also Happy Birthday Mum, I miss you....

Monday 30 March 2009

Floor For Witch's Hat Shop..

Sorry, if over the next few day's I don't get over to every one's blog pages. But we have a French exchange student staying with us until Saturday. Harry is then going to France in June.
The young boy that is staying with us is only 12 and we've had a few tears before bedtime. He's rung his Mum & Dad and is fine now and tucked up in bed. I spoke to his Mum and she said he was a bit anxious. The Children have been travelling since 3pm on Sunday afternoon, they arrived in Wales today and were taken straight on a trip and we didn't pick them up till 8pm this evening. They must be totally exhausted. I think its all a bit to much for them. Added to that he doesn't speak a lot of English and my French is pretty rusty, but we are muddling through.
Anyway, back to Miniatures. Today I've been playing about with some graph paper, drawing out a design for the floor in the Witches Hat Shop. I want it to look like flagstones and this is the design I came up with. Just need to build it now...LOL

Welcome Dora...

A big Welcome to another Follower.
Welcome Dora.
Dora has a blog called Miniaturas Dora, she is building a Palace and it looks wonderful.
Dora has only been blogging this month. So please go over and say Hi..

Nikki's Magical Items..

Just to let everyone know that my friend Nikki of Witch & Wizard Miniatures, has listed some of her Magical items on EBay. There's some wonderful creations on there. Just click on EBay to be taken over to her listings.


A big Welcome to another Follower who's name is Marja and has a lovely Miniature Blog called Villa Ikuisuusprojekt - Villa Never Ending Project.

Please go over and say Hi...

Sunday 29 March 2009

More Potions & Barrels

Last night while we were watching the TV, I made some more Bubbling Barrel's and Potions for the Apothecary.
Still lots more to make..
I was also messing around with some graph paper yesterday, drawing out a design for the Witches Hat Shop. I'm not going to buy a ready made shop, but build my own. I've already ordered the Paper Clay. Not sure whether to build it from foam board or go for the MDF option. Decisions, decisions.
Mind you I've still got "Honeydukes" to finish and Diagon Alley, is an ongoing project. Plus I have some bits and pieces to make for friends.

Welcome Betty

Welcome To Betty Hagen, who's blog is called Live Mini @ Blogspot.
Betty has written a very interesting post about Miniature Canes.
As always please go over and say Hi..

Saturday 28 March 2009

Award From Casey... Thank You

I've been given another award by Casey of Casey's Minis.
Thank you very much Casey.

This is what was said about it.

"This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY-nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers!”

The rules of the award are that I have to pass this on to another Eight Blogs. Now this award as been passed on already to a few of my favourites, so I'm not going to double up on them.
So I pass this award on to:-

Mercedes at Liberty Biberty, who has a beautiful blog and Daughter, plus her little boy likes my miniatures...
Marja over at Marja's Wondere Wereld van Minatuur, who always has something to share.
Marlies over at Marlies en Minies, who is Dutch but writes her blog in English for us. She also shared a great tutorial on her blog for making jugs.
Kat over at Kat The Hat Lady's Blog, for her wonderful hats and Witchy bits..
Helene over at Pubdolls, whose blog is filled with Mini's.
Hertta over at Nukkekoti Villa Hertta.
Lori over on Oh Mini Of Mine, for having the patience of a saint making all that Candy.
Eva over on Mini escenas y manualidades, for her quirky miniatures..

Witch Award Of Excellence...

This morning I woke up to find that I've been awarded a Witch Award of Excellence from Kat over at Kat the Hat's Blog Page.
Here's what Kat said over on her blog:-
Big thank you.
Thank you to Debbie for showing my article on her blog page today :-). It was great to finally see it :-). It was a total surprise to find I had two articles in the one magazine ha ha! So that made my day ha ha! As I haven't got a copy yet I have cheekily pinched her photos to show you. Hope you don't mind Debbie!!! For Debbie support and great blog page I award her with the Witch award of excellence!

Thank you so much Kat, your articles are brilliant.

Also just to let everyone know that Kat is putting some more of her wonderful Hats on Ebay from today. Mmmm I went over and couldn't resist, had to put a bid in on the Rose Festival (Coffee) one. LOL..

Welcome ....

I have some more followers since yesterday.
They are .When who's blog is called Don't Do Timepass whatever you do is what you get.
Flash who has three blogs.
Betty Hagan who I can't find a blog for, but is following a few Mini blogs.
And last but not least I think is JeanJean, but again I can't find a blog.

Welcome to you all.......

Friday 27 March 2009

Dollshouse World

I had to pop out shopping this morning and popped into WHSmith, and picked up the Dollshouse World Magazine May edition. Its their Special 200Th Edition.
As soon as I saw the cover I thought of Rosanna and her beautiful needlework cushions.
Then a few pages in was a tutorial about working with Paper Clay and thought of Kate, who wants to use paperclay for her floor.
Then low and behold there was Kat, with not one, but two articles, one to make an Easter Hat and the other for a Vampire Slayer's Hat, a Bible and Stakes to slay the Vampires. Congratulations Kat, there great articles.
If you click on their names it will take you over to their blogs. If you click on the photo's they should come up bigger so you can see the details.

The Inside Of The Trigger Pond..

I took these photographs last night of the inside of the Trigger Pond House to show you. The interior paint work looks white, but its more of a cream colour. Think it's the flash.
What you can't really see is the window in the main Hall it is stained glass and has heraldry shields in it. However, you can see all the dust. Needs a good clean!
This Model is now retired, I think it is called the Oxford. On the middle floor at there back there are two doors, one opens to reveal a false hallway. On the top floor there is also a concealed area in the room without the bed. It is fully lit but the lighting fitments are concealed. I still need to try them out and make sure their all still working.
I'm sure I have some more furniture stashed away for this house, somewhere in all the millions of boxes that are stored in the Garage and Barn. I really need to have a grand sort out. Another job on my ever growing list.

Welcome Mags Cassidy

A Big Welcome to another follower Mags Cassidy who's blog is called Mags-nificent Miniatures. Mags also has a web site of the same name and is also a member of IGMA, CDHM and AIM.
Mags is very new to the blogging world, so as always please go over and say Hi, to this very talented lady..

Thursday 26 March 2009

Trigger Pond House

I thought you might like to see my 1/24th scale Trigger Pond House. My Mum & Dad brought me this House from Excel in London about 12 years ago.
I was so excited when I saw it. Never thought I'd ever have one in my collection.
Its been sitting out in the Caravan for months and I brought it indoors today. Unfortunately, while we were living in the caravan, while the house was gutted, one of the kittens caused a little bit of damage to it. So today I've been re-gluing, one of the strips down the front of the roof and reattaching the Chimneys. There's also a couple of spots on the roof that need a retouch with paint.
I'll take some more pictures of the inside to show you later.
To go to their website please click on Trigger Pond.

My Small Obsession - Promoting Dollhouse Miniatures

I wanted to let everyone know about a Web site that Gaye of Creating Dollhouse Miniatures has set up called My Small Obsession.
This web site promotes Dollhouse Miniatures and provides resources for beginners, enthusiasts, artisans and collectors.
There is a Miniature Directory, free projects and free printables, also Miniature articles, and Dollhouse Gallery.
If you have a Miniature Web Site, or Blog you can add it to the directory. Just go to the main page, where it asks you to fill in a form and within a few days your site is in the Directory. I've joined under the Miniature Blogs section and I'm in lovely company, as I've noticed that Jean Day, Vicky Guile and Grace from Treefeathers is there as well. If you do registrar on there, why not put the link on your blog page like I've done, to help promote this site. It's Free..
So if you want to promote your blog or Web site, or just want to browse the directory, pop over to My Small Obsession.


A Big Welcome to my 150Th Follower.. I still can't quite believe there are that many people following my blog and daily ramblings.
My new follower is I Love Little things, who's blog is called Food Miniatures @ I Love Little Things., they are also a team member of The Mini Food Blog.
As always please go over and say Hi..

Wednesday 25 March 2009

Welcome ....

Welcome to two new followers:-
Maija who's blog is called IIDASANTTU, unfortunately I can't read it, but there are lots of Miniatures on there.
Adriana, who unfortunately I can't find a blog for.

A Big welcome to you both..

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Miniatura Goodies..

Well here's a few of the goodies that I brought on Sunday. The Telescope was part of my Mother's Day present from the boys, along with a huge box of Toffee and a DVD for my Steven Seagal collection.
The books and the stands are for the Apothecary and the beautiful little Owl is for Eeylops Owl Emporium.
Most of the other bits and pieces are for my projects. I was so lucky to see the Skin leather, thought it might come in handy for a Dragon. I grabbed Nikki and she brought some as well.
I also commissioned a Doll by Judith but will have to wait to show you that, because its not even made yet!


Welcome to five new followers. They are:-
M at Sunny Sunflower Miniatures, who's fairly new to the blogosphere and is working on a Harry Potter inspired Flourish & Blotts.
Elida who has two blogs, Mi Meridiano and Elida, Die Kleine Prinzessin.
Valo who's blog is called Shh...no despiertes.
Ana Anselmo who's blog is called Miniatures Forever and also has a web site of the same name
And last but not least is Helene, who's blog is called Pubdolls. Helene's blog is filled with Miniatures.
As always please go over and say Hi...

Just to let everyone know that I've added even more links over on Tiny Treasures Mini Links.

Monday 23 March 2009

Last Lot Of Pictures From Miniaturia..

Last lot of Photographs from yesterday.
This is Bob and Doreen. Bob is known as Country Contrast. Can you believe Bob was a Truck Driver, he now makes Miniature's.
Doreen his better half, organises Dolls House Fairs and also runs an on line shop Small Wonders Miniatures. Which I've talked about on my blog before. Doreen is the only one that Nikki supplies with her Miniatures.If you click on the names of the shops it will take you over to their websites.
Thank you Bob & Doreen for allowing me to take pictures of the stall.

Even More Pictures From Yesterday..

These photo's are of my Friend Steph's Stall. We didn't realise that her and her husband Pete were going to be there yesterday. So it was loads of hugs and kisses when we saw them. They are a really lovely couple. We first met them, when Steph used to have the stall directly behind me at a fair in Kent. Her room boxes are fabulous, I especially loved the one of the Potting shed. It was so lovely to catch up with them both. Steph hasn't got a website and I was trying to convince her that she should start writing a blog. She laughed and said they'd brought a wireless computer and had some how disconnected the wireless connection! LOL.

More Pictures From Yesterday..

The top photograph is the Display by The Little Hatter, Annette Shaw shares her stall with Judith Laird of Crumpled & Rumpled.
While I was at the show yesterday I commissioned Judith to make a Doll for me. But I'm not saying who it is until I get it. But to give you a clue, it's for Diagon Alley. Judith has already made Hagrid and Dobby for me. So I'm really looking forward to what she comes up with for the new one. I've got to get lots of photographs and send them to her for reference.
Thank you Judith and Annette for allowing me to take photographs of your stall yesterday.
I've got more photographs to show you later...