Friday 27 March 2009

Welcome Mags Cassidy

A Big Welcome to another follower Mags Cassidy who's blog is called Mags-nificent Miniatures. Mags also has a web site of the same name and is also a member of IGMA, CDHM and AIM.
Mags is very new to the blogging world, so as always please go over and say Hi, to this very talented lady..


  1. Hello Mags...

    So nice to see you here in the 'Blogging' World... we met over on AIM...
    Looking forward to chatting more....I love your miniature food...

    Have a great weekend


  2. Welcome Mags.

    You must check out her food...she makes the best English food and makes me real homesick :-(

  3. Thank you for the lovely welcome.
    Still working out how to do things - still that's the story of my life - lol! I do believe I could get a bit hooked on this!
