Saturday 28 March 2009

Witch Award Of Excellence...

This morning I woke up to find that I've been awarded a Witch Award of Excellence from Kat over at Kat the Hat's Blog Page.
Here's what Kat said over on her blog:-
Big thank you.
Thank you to Debbie for showing my article on her blog page today :-). It was great to finally see it :-). It was a total surprise to find I had two articles in the one magazine ha ha! So that made my day ha ha! As I haven't got a copy yet I have cheekily pinched her photos to show you. Hope you don't mind Debbie!!! For Debbie support and great blog page I award her with the Witch award of excellence!

Thank you so much Kat, your articles are brilliant.

Also just to let everyone know that Kat is putting some more of her wonderful Hats on Ebay from today. Mmmm I went over and couldn't resist, had to put a bid in on the Rose Festival (Coffee) one. LOL..


  1. A Great Big Congrats Debbie for your Award!! And a lovely one it is. Kat's Hats are truly wonderful!

    Happy Weekend


  2. Congrats on your award, Debbie. It's well deserved. :-)

    I'm addicted to her hats now too. Two are on the way and I bid on the plum one.

  3. Congratulations on your new well deserved award, so nice! Great hats, so fun.

  4. I have yet another one for you over on my blog this morning. Congrats. Come and get it.

  5. MiniKat you wait till you get them they are beautiful and very addictive.
