Saturday 28 March 2009

Award From Casey... Thank You

I've been given another award by Casey of Casey's Minis.
Thank you very much Casey.

This is what was said about it.

"This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY-nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers!”

The rules of the award are that I have to pass this on to another Eight Blogs. Now this award as been passed on already to a few of my favourites, so I'm not going to double up on them.
So I pass this award on to:-

Mercedes at Liberty Biberty, who has a beautiful blog and Daughter, plus her little boy likes my miniatures...
Marja over at Marja's Wondere Wereld van Minatuur, who always has something to share.
Marlies over at Marlies en Minies, who is Dutch but writes her blog in English for us. She also shared a great tutorial on her blog for making jugs.
Kat over at Kat The Hat Lady's Blog, for her wonderful hats and Witchy bits..
Helene over at Pubdolls, whose blog is filled with Mini's.
Hertta over at Nukkekoti Villa Hertta.
Lori over on Oh Mini Of Mine, for having the patience of a saint making all that Candy.
Eva over on Mini escenas y manualidades, for her quirky miniatures..


  1. Thanks, Debbie! I appreciate your recognition!

  2. Congrats Debbie... You were on my list to pass this award along to...but I noticed you had it already...
    You are VERY deserving of such an award...


  3. Thanks Debbie!!
    i feel very honoured!

  4. thank you Debbie...
    for dis award...
    en Your kind words...
    hugs Marja

  5. Thank you so much for the award, it means a lot to me ; )
    I'll give it forward to eight finnish blogs.

    Helena ("Hertta")

  6. Thank you Debbie! It is truly an honour to recieve this award from you.
