Thursday 26 March 2009

My Small Obsession - Promoting Dollhouse Miniatures

I wanted to let everyone know about a Web site that Gaye of Creating Dollhouse Miniatures has set up called My Small Obsession.
This web site promotes Dollhouse Miniatures and provides resources for beginners, enthusiasts, artisans and collectors.
There is a Miniature Directory, free projects and free printables, also Miniature articles, and Dollhouse Gallery.
If you have a Miniature Web Site, or Blog you can add it to the directory. Just go to the main page, where it asks you to fill in a form and within a few days your site is in the Directory. I've joined under the Miniature Blogs section and I'm in lovely company, as I've noticed that Jean Day, Vicky Guile and Grace from Treefeathers is there as well. If you do registrar on there, why not put the link on your blog page like I've done, to help promote this site. It's Free..
So if you want to promote your blog or Web site, or just want to browse the directory, pop over to My Small Obsession.


  1. Hours can be spent at Gaye's blog, there is so much information there on how to's and videos and projects folks are working on, it's a valuable resource for sure.


  2. Sorry, I know I'm off topic here, But I found this online this morning....didn't know if you had seen it?

    A virtual!

  3. Debbie, this is a very good site full of links and free projects and printables!
    really a great present for me! thanks again!
    crafty hugs

  4. I had so much fun visiting the site! Thanks :) ... I listed the Mini Food Blog with them :)

  5. I'll try again to paste it. I'm so clumsy when it comes to computering!! I did a coonection but I didn't manage to place the pic. I'm trying again

  6. Debbie, I went over there to see what it was about and register my blog. I was surprised by my blog already being on the list. I am basically lazy. I didn't have to fill out the form. The whole list is definitely good company!

    Now I have more time to look.

  7. Wonderful.....Thanks Debbie. Mini hugs!

  8. Thank you Debbie! And thank you to all that came over and signed up to be listed in the directory! I've been very busy adding links! Casey, I have been following your blog forever and you were one of the first blogs I added when I first started that category.=)

    Mini Hugs to all,

  9. Great idea adding our blogs there, hadn't thought of that. Gale has really done a lot of work with her blog and that web site.

  10. I agree with everyone else that this site has so much to offer. I truly enjoy it and can not believe how many tips I have gotten from here. Keep up the great work and Thanks Gaye!!
