Tuesday 24 March 2009


Welcome to five new followers. They are:-
M at Sunny Sunflower Miniatures, who's fairly new to the blogosphere and is working on a Harry Potter inspired Flourish & Blotts.
Elida who has two blogs, Mi Meridiano and Elida, Die Kleine Prinzessin.
Valo who's blog is called Shh...no despiertes.
Ana Anselmo who's blog is called Miniatures Forever and also has a web site of the same name
And last but not least is Helene, who's blog is called Pubdolls. Helene's blog is filled with Miniatures.
As always please go over and say Hi...

Just to let everyone know that I've added even more links over on Tiny Treasures Mini Links.


  1. Hey! Here's Ana's link: http://miniaturesforever.blogspot.com/

    ..and then she has another one in English..You can find the link on her page

  2. Thanks Katie, I've added the links..x

  3. Thanks Debbie, for your nice welcome!

  4. Thank you, Debbie for rolling out the "Welcome" mat!

    I wandered over to your Diagon Alley and...your Flourish and Blotts is fantastic! The shots of the Alley that you and Nikki took in the dark look as if you two were standing on a real street corner.

