Sunday 23 February 2014

Skin & Blister ~ Dragons

 I'd like you to meet Skin and Blister, two new little Dragons that have arrived from Florida, to live in Desdemona's. They were made by my dear friend Carlanne, as a present for my Birthday. 
There is a story behind the names of these Dragons.
Carlanne, calls me her mini Sister & I call her my Skin & Blister, which in Cockney rhyming slang, also means Sister. Carlanne, also made me the Fairy hanging charm, which I have hanging in my Cabin. I think you'll agree, the Dragons look quite at home already.
Carlanne, does have a web site for her beautiful Creations, which can be found here at Nature's Fae.

Monday 10 February 2014

Flower Kits ~ 1:12th Scale Pumpkins

 I've been really impressed with the Flower kits, that I've been putting together from Georgie Steeds.
So much so, I went over to her Etsy shop and ordered a few more. I brought the Pumpkin Kit, the Lilies Kit and the Foxglove Kit, I also brought a new pair of needle pointed tweezers.
They came beautifully wrapped in tissue, with a lovely butterfly label.
 I started putting together the Pumpkin kit first and I have to say, I'm impressed how realistic it looks. I now need to make the Pumpkins, to sit underneath the leaves. I want to have a little vegetable patch, as well as a Flower Garden in Desdemona's.

Flower Kits ~ 1:12th Scale Hollyhocks

 Another Flower Kit from Georgie Steeds, this time a Hollyhock Kit, this is another one that I found in my stash, while sorting out stuff for Desdemona's. See my previous post.
With this one, you need some yellow paint for the Stamens and some fine pointed scissors to cut out the leaf shapes.
I made these over a couple of days, which gave the petals time to thoroughly dry out

 Georgie's blog can be found here & her Etsy Shop here.

Sunday 9 February 2014

Flower Kits ~ 1:12th Scale Clematis

 I brought these kits many moons ago from Georgie Steeds at a Miniature Fair, possibly the old Excel in London or Miniaturia. I found them while I was having a sort out and want to use them in Desdemona's. 
Georgie, has a blog and also an Etsy shop.
All the kits come with clear instructions and all the required leaves and wires. When ordering the Kit's, there is a list of extras that you may require. They can all be purchased from Georgie's Etsy shop. Fine pointed tweezers are a must and you also need a Rubber/Eraser to shape the leaves and Petals on.
Georgie, also does a kit of the month, so its worth visiting her blog, as she discounts the monthly kit.
 This Clematis kit was pretty easy to put together, but takes patience. As you can see, each individual leaf is stuck on separately. It looks pretty effective once completed.

 I had two of these kits and had already made up the Vine, but for the life of me I couldn't find the petals, to make up the Flowers. So I used one of my tiny punches to make some Lilac flowers, which I used. I've lent it up against Desdemona's, so you can see the effect.
 I've also made up a Hollyhock kit and a Pumpkin Plant, I'll show those in another post.

Monday 3 February 2014

Desdemona's Home For Orphaned & Abandoned Dragons & Other Magical Creatures ~ 10

 I'd like you to meet a little Green Monster.
 It all started with a picture of some little Monsters.
Now, I haven't played with the Clay for quite a long time, not through lack of trying, but since I've been on my Heart Meds, my hands are either too hot, too cold or too swollen. I started off with a little Egg shaped blob and made some legs. The Egg shape was going to be, an egg on legs. But he sort of evolved. I did nearly squish him at one point, as he just didn't look right, but I stuck with it.
I think he's now got more Dragon Features, then a Monster, maybe he is a mixture. Maybe a baby Monster/Dragon, well dalliances do happen.
His little Head moves, well it actually turns 360 degrees, but his limbs don't move.
For my first attempt, I was pretty pleased with how he turned out, maybe on the next one, if there is a next one, I'll try to add limbs that do move. He stands about 2inches tall.

But I think you'd all agree, he does looks quite at home, in Desdemona's..

Sunday 2 February 2014

Desdemona's Home For Orphaned & Abandoned Dragons & Other Magical Creatures ~ 9

 When I first got Desdemona's, it came with separate crazy paved Garden that sits in front of the House. Some of the Slate was quite sharp and uneven and I want to have more of a Garden in front, so I decided to take up all the Slate.
Once the Slate was up and the boards cleaned, I painted all the remainder of the Paving to resemble Slate. Its freshened the whole outside up and given it all a uniform look. I have some 1:12th Real Slate paving slabs and based the paint colour on them. As you can see in the tenth picture down, I managed to get the effect of Slate nearly the same as the slab. 
I used paper as a template, so that I could work out where I want to put everything and then decided the original garden was going to be too small.

 My friend Sandra, over at Tower House Dolls, gave me the link to a seller on Ebay, that sells off cuts of MDF, so I ordered a bit. It came as a large square, but I've run it through the table saw, as I wanted a large back to front "L" Shape, that would butt up without a lip to the small garden board, outside the main House.
I then managed to lever the already painted steps, off the original board outside the treatment room. They can now be fixed on the new board.
I may also replace the little lean too, for a bigger version, as there isn't any room left in this one.