Sunday 9 February 2014

Flower Kits ~ 1:12th Scale Clematis

 I brought these kits many moons ago from Georgie Steeds at a Miniature Fair, possibly the old Excel in London or Miniaturia. I found them while I was having a sort out and want to use them in Desdemona's. 
Georgie, has a blog and also an Etsy shop.
All the kits come with clear instructions and all the required leaves and wires. When ordering the Kit's, there is a list of extras that you may require. They can all be purchased from Georgie's Etsy shop. Fine pointed tweezers are a must and you also need a Rubber/Eraser to shape the leaves and Petals on.
Georgie, also does a kit of the month, so its worth visiting her blog, as she discounts the monthly kit.
 This Clematis kit was pretty easy to put together, but takes patience. As you can see, each individual leaf is stuck on separately. It looks pretty effective once completed.

 I had two of these kits and had already made up the Vine, but for the life of me I couldn't find the petals, to make up the Flowers. So I used one of my tiny punches to make some Lilac flowers, which I used. I've lent it up against Desdemona's, so you can see the effect.
 I've also made up a Hollyhock kit and a Pumpkin Plant, I'll show those in another post.


  1. THe clematis is lovely Debbie! I just visited Georgie's blog and hit "follow" :-)
    Thanks for sharing the info.

    I enjoy making plants and flowers and have what seems like a bazillion kits in a box, just waiting for me. I must get started… I am putting together a little garden shed so I now have a place for them all.

    I also want to say "thanks" for being one of the few who continues to blog. I clearly fall into the "not done a blog post in eons" category but I check my blog list every morning and enjoy reading them. I am sorry that FB have taken so many bloggers away.


  2. I have to say Susan, that I have/had also fallen into the Facebook trap, where everything can be shared immediately.
    But was determined to get back to blogging, mostly due to some of our Family & Friends, not doing FB and they want to see what we've been up too. So going to try and blog more, this year.

  3. Hi Debbie! I am one of those who is really glad to see you are posting regularly on your blog again! I have not gotten used to FB and don't follow other miniaturists there. But blogs are a lifeline for me! Your Clematis looks great and I really appreciate the link for the kits.... I have a long list of things I am still learning how to make... and plants are high on the list! I think kits are the best way to start so I will be following up on that!
    As I said before, I am very happy to see your current works in blogger again! (And I miss all those who have "gone astray"!)Thank you for coming back!

  4. Hi Debbie! I love Clematis in real life so I doubly love it in miniature! Yours looks like it was great fun to do and many Thanks for showing us how!

