Sunday 23 February 2014

Skin & Blister ~ Dragons

 I'd like you to meet Skin and Blister, two new little Dragons that have arrived from Florida, to live in Desdemona's. They were made by my dear friend Carlanne, as a present for my Birthday. 
There is a story behind the names of these Dragons.
Carlanne, calls me her mini Sister & I call her my Skin & Blister, which in Cockney rhyming slang, also means Sister. Carlanne, also made me the Fairy hanging charm, which I have hanging in my Cabin. I think you'll agree, the Dragons look quite at home already.
Carlanne, does have a web site for her beautiful Creations, which can be found here at Nature's Fae.


  1. Congratulations on your dragons!
    Loved know the origin of the names. ;)

  2. Cute looking little guys! Interesting story behind their names.
