Saturday 1 March 2014

Kit & Caboodle...

Harry, is now with his Regiment the Household Cavalry and has been training at Windsor & Knightsbridge. He and his colleagues have been issued with their Ceremonial Uniform, which they spend hours & hours cleaning. They have also been learning the Cavalry Drill.
In the Video, Harry is at the front on the left hand side, in the Red Tunic, walking towards the Camera.
One Of The Cavalry's Horses

Dirty Boots

Waxing His Boots

Cleaning Boots

Cleaning Boots

Looking Clean & Shiney

Breast Plate & Helmet

Our Trooper

The Full Kit & Caboodle

Learning Drill
Learning Drill

Learning Drill & Being Inspected.


  1. Harry looks very smart. Man, that is A LOT of uniform to polish =0P He'll be an expert in no time.

  2. Looks very smart and I bet that uniform is hot. The boots look uncomfortable. You must be so proud :)
