Sunday 2 February 2014

Desdemona's Home For Orphaned & Abandoned Dragons & Other Magical Creatures ~ 9

 When I first got Desdemona's, it came with separate crazy paved Garden that sits in front of the House. Some of the Slate was quite sharp and uneven and I want to have more of a Garden in front, so I decided to take up all the Slate.
Once the Slate was up and the boards cleaned, I painted all the remainder of the Paving to resemble Slate. Its freshened the whole outside up and given it all a uniform look. I have some 1:12th Real Slate paving slabs and based the paint colour on them. As you can see in the tenth picture down, I managed to get the effect of Slate nearly the same as the slab. 
I used paper as a template, so that I could work out where I want to put everything and then decided the original garden was going to be too small.

 My friend Sandra, over at Tower House Dolls, gave me the link to a seller on Ebay, that sells off cuts of MDF, so I ordered a bit. It came as a large square, but I've run it through the table saw, as I wanted a large back to front "L" Shape, that would butt up without a lip to the small garden board, outside the main House.
I then managed to lever the already painted steps, off the original board outside the treatment room. They can now be fixed on the new board.
I may also replace the little lean too, for a bigger version, as there isn't any room left in this one.


  1. I love the slate, looks great.


  2. Looking good Debbie. I can't wait for the dragons and other creatures to have a new home!

  3. Looking good Debbie. I can't wait for the dragons and other creatures to have a new home!

  4. Your new slate looks great there! Your orphan dragons will be so pleased to have a larger garden to get some fresh air :D
    Hugs, Sandra
