Saturday 28 December 2013

New Arrivals For Desdemona's...

 I'd like to introduce you to, two new arrivals for Desdemona's Home For Orphaned & Abandoned Dragons and Other Magical Creatures.
A new baby Monster and a Baby Dragon, made by the very talented Alicia Singleton, otherwise known as AllieBean Dolls.
I contacted Alicia and asked her if she would be making any little Monsters or Dragons. Alicia emailed me back and said that she would be and as soon as they were made, she would email me pictures.  A couple of weeks later, Alicia emailed me with a picture of these cute little ones and of course they had to come and live with Desdemona. Who could resist their cute little faces.
Alicia has an Etsy Shop, Web page and Ebay. Although they are all empty at the moment due to the Festive season. But keep your eyes peeled as Alicia makes some wonderful little Dolls and Dolls Toys.
These little ones, will join the other little Monster already in residence, which you can see in the previous post, sitting on the mat, playing with a Teddy Bear.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Desdemona's Home For Orphaned & Abandoned Dragons & Other Magical Creatures ~ 4

 The first two pictures show the Kitchen, in Desdemona's, as it was when I opened the packing. As you can see the Floor needed a total revamp. There were also Blu-tac marks on the paper, even though it was a vinyl paper. Decided to strip the Kitchen completely out and start again. 
I started with the floor, giving it a wash of Colour and allowing that to dry. 
In the alcove, where the sink was I decided to take out the shelving and the false Window.
I stripped all the card and paper from this wall, but as you can see, the wall was very patchy. So I tore up lots of tissue paper and glued it over the wall to texture it, so it blended in with the Fireplace wall. I managed on the other walls to get the Vinyl wallpaper off intact, which left the lining paper on the walls. I then painted over the paper with an Oatmeal colour. Then I went back to the Floor and started to build up the colour. Finally, when I was happy with the colour, I dry brushed Black over the top. Then came the fun bit, playing around with pieces I've been collecting for this project. The bottom picture, gives you some idea of how I want it to look.
Desdemona seems quite happy with the renovations so far, but is now on about Dragon Wallpaper, in the Bedroom...

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Desdemona's Home For Orphaned & Abandoned Dragons ~ 3

 The renovations have started on Desdemona's. The Room with the least amount that needs doing is the Lounge.  I took everything out of the room and gave it a clean. The white embossed paper above the Panelling was quite dirty and marked with the dreaded Blu Tac grease marks and there were also glue marks on the Paper. You can see the marks left by the Blu Tac, just above the mantel piece.
I went through my paints and chose an acrylic paint called antique white. It matches the backing colour of the wallpaper perfectly. Just by painting the embossed paper, its really freshened the room up. I Love the Wall paper in this room. I think it is a Chinese or Japanese origami paper. It suits the theme for this House.
 Inside the Fireplace there were some really thick plastic looking tiles, I've removed them and used real slate tiles instead, which I've stuck to a Black card. I also found a Fire back, in my stash, which on closer inspection had the initial "D" inscribed on it, so was certainly meant to be used in there.

 I've also repainted the Fire fender, that came with the house. Its been made from wood, some leather and an old fan. You can see it in the bottom picture. Its nothing fancy but does the job. I've taken the Fire that was in the Kitchen Fireplace and put that in this fireplace.
Just got to sort out the Furniture and lights for this Room now and then I can start adding all the other little bits and pieces. But will wait until, I redecorated all the rooms and tidied up the outside as well.

Desdemona's Home For Orphaned & Abandoned Dragons & Other Magical Creatures ~ 2

 Here are a few more pictures of Desdemona's. I've taken everything out of the House and given it a good clean with a thick Paintbrush to get into all the nooks and crannies.
As you can see on the back of the House, the Electrics are in rather a sorry state. I may look into getting the Battery operated LED lights and strip all this old wiring out.
I completely stripped out the Kitchen, as I wanted to re-paint the floor and the walls, to give it a fresh look. 
The paper in the Bedroom was lifting in places, so decided it take it all out and start again.

Monday 16 December 2013

Witchy House ~ Desdemona's Home For Orphaned & Abandoned Dragons & Other Magical Creatures.

 Back in 2010, (can you believe its been that long?) I had an idea for my Toll House Kit. I wanted to make a home for a little Witch, that looks after Baby Dragons. You can read about it here. I've been keeping a notebook on all the things, that I wanted to fit in this project and have been collecting pieces for ages. Well after much deliberation, I've decided that the Toll House, is too small for this project and all the ideas and the things I wanted to fit in it.
So when I spied this on Ebay in November, I knew it would be perfect for my idea. The top picture is from the Ebay listing. My Hubby said to have a bid, if I really wanted it and he would buy it for me, as my Christmas Present. Well as you can see I did and I won. Luckily for me it was also in Wales, so I was able to pick it up. 
Now I know its supposed to be my Christmas Present, but I just couldn't wait to get it home and get the wrapping off.
The main house consists of a Kitchen, Sitting Room/Lounge and a bedroom, with a weeny attic over the bedroom. There is a little stand alone building, which is currently a Wash room and next to that is a little stand alone Greenhouse.
Its a quirky little house and has been much loved and played with, so there are plenty of renovations to be done, which includes all the electrics. The only Room that is staying the same, is the lounge, I just love the Paper and the Panelling. But the embossed paper above the patterned paper, needed a spruce up, as it is marked and there are/was the dreaded Blu Tac marks on it.
The Renovations, have already started, so will show these in a later post.