Monday 16 December 2013

Witchy House ~ Desdemona's Home For Orphaned & Abandoned Dragons & Other Magical Creatures.

 Back in 2010, (can you believe its been that long?) I had an idea for my Toll House Kit. I wanted to make a home for a little Witch, that looks after Baby Dragons. You can read about it here. I've been keeping a notebook on all the things, that I wanted to fit in this project and have been collecting pieces for ages. Well after much deliberation, I've decided that the Toll House, is too small for this project and all the ideas and the things I wanted to fit in it.
So when I spied this on Ebay in November, I knew it would be perfect for my idea. The top picture is from the Ebay listing. My Hubby said to have a bid, if I really wanted it and he would buy it for me, as my Christmas Present. Well as you can see I did and I won. Luckily for me it was also in Wales, so I was able to pick it up. 
Now I know its supposed to be my Christmas Present, but I just couldn't wait to get it home and get the wrapping off.
The main house consists of a Kitchen, Sitting Room/Lounge and a bedroom, with a weeny attic over the bedroom. There is a little stand alone building, which is currently a Wash room and next to that is a little stand alone Greenhouse.
Its a quirky little house and has been much loved and played with, so there are plenty of renovations to be done, which includes all the electrics. The only Room that is staying the same, is the lounge, I just love the Paper and the Panelling. But the embossed paper above the patterned paper, needed a spruce up, as it is marked and there are/was the dreaded Blu Tac marks on it.
The Renovations, have already started, so will show these in a later post.


  1. It's a beautiful house and perfect for your dragons and other magical creatures :-)

  2. I love your house - especially the wallpaper with all of the wildlife on it! Looking forward to seeing more of this project.

  3. For a local pick-up, they did a great job of wrapping it for travel. You will do wonders with it!

  4. it's adorable! I can see a witch living there :)

