Monday 16 December 2013

New Kitchen Roof.

 Back at the end of October, we had a steady stream of Contractors & Builders,doing jobs around the place. I blogged about it here. We had the scaffolding put up around our Kitchen, so that the new roof could go on. Well I say new roof, but the old Slates were reused.
The first two pictures show the sorry state of the old roof. It has caused quite a few problems in the Kitchen, the worst being, that it has damaged my Kitchen Units. 
The Builders and Roofers, had to work with the weather and when it rained they couldn't work. It felt like the Antarctic, in the Kitchen while the Roof was off.
Its had all new Rafters, Battening and Insulation, Vents, Soffits and Guttering.
They finally finished the Roof, at the beginning of December and it was signed off by the Building Inspector. Then the Scaffolding came down.
I can't tell you how pleased and relieved we are, that it is now water tight.
I'm going to wait until after Christmas and then I'll redecorate in the Kitchen and in the Spring, when the weather warms up, I'll give the outside a lick of paint.


  1. The new roof looks great! Good that you are warm and dry in your kitchen before the real winter starts.

  2. congrats on getting your kitchen back, when we had our roof done it only took 2 days but it was just a shingle time we're going barn roof never rusts and last for years.

  3. I like how your new roof turned out. It looks great and goes well with the white walls. At least now you don't have to worry about leaks, especially since it's the winter. I bet your house will look much better when you're done with your redecoration.

    Vernia Kale @
