Saturday 28 December 2013

New Arrivals For Desdemona's...

 I'd like to introduce you to, two new arrivals for Desdemona's Home For Orphaned & Abandoned Dragons and Other Magical Creatures.
A new baby Monster and a Baby Dragon, made by the very talented Alicia Singleton, otherwise known as AllieBean Dolls.
I contacted Alicia and asked her if she would be making any little Monsters or Dragons. Alicia emailed me back and said that she would be and as soon as they were made, she would email me pictures.  A couple of weeks later, Alicia emailed me with a picture of these cute little ones and of course they had to come and live with Desdemona. Who could resist their cute little faces.
Alicia has an Etsy Shop, Web page and Ebay. Although they are all empty at the moment due to the Festive season. But keep your eyes peeled as Alicia makes some wonderful little Dolls and Dolls Toys.
These little ones, will join the other little Monster already in residence, which you can see in the previous post, sitting on the mat, playing with a Teddy Bear.

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