Wednesday 18 December 2013

Desdemona's Home For Orphaned & Abandoned Dragons & Other Magical Creatures ~ 4

 The first two pictures show the Kitchen, in Desdemona's, as it was when I opened the packing. As you can see the Floor needed a total revamp. There were also Blu-tac marks on the paper, even though it was a vinyl paper. Decided to strip the Kitchen completely out and start again. 
I started with the floor, giving it a wash of Colour and allowing that to dry. 
In the alcove, where the sink was I decided to take out the shelving and the false Window.
I stripped all the card and paper from this wall, but as you can see, the wall was very patchy. So I tore up lots of tissue paper and glued it over the wall to texture it, so it blended in with the Fireplace wall. I managed on the other walls to get the Vinyl wallpaper off intact, which left the lining paper on the walls. I then painted over the paper with an Oatmeal colour. Then I went back to the Floor and started to build up the colour. Finally, when I was happy with the colour, I dry brushed Black over the top. Then came the fun bit, playing around with pieces I've been collecting for this project. The bottom picture, gives you some idea of how I want it to look.
Desdemona seems quite happy with the renovations so far, but is now on about Dragon Wallpaper, in the Bedroom...

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