Saturday 31 October 2009

Happy Halloween...

Just a few pictures from the Halloween Fun Day up at the Riding School today.
I have some more photo's which I'll put on tomorrow.
We stayed for about three hours, we took a wheelchair with us, so that I was able to sit down and watch the displays. I was really tired by the time we left, but it was great to get out and see everyone. Hopefully next year, I can join in the fun...

Friday 30 October 2009

Pumpkin Carving..

The Riding School have there Halloween Day tomorrow and they are having a Pumpkin carving competition.
Ben got my scalpel's out tonight as he wants to enter the competition tomorrow. He decided on Jack The Pumpkin King. I think he did a pretty good job.
Hopefully, we are going for a little while tomorrow, as I want to watch Harry's Riding Display. I'm taking the camera so will have some pictures to share with you..

Rosanna's Christmas Swap...

Dear Rosanna over at La Stanza Di Giuggiola, is organizing a Christmas Swap.
I've already signed up and so have a few others..
Rosanna said :-
A circle swap would be easier and each one of us would only do one piece.
I think it should be Christmas related and mailed at the beginning of December to let the Mail Service to do its job.
If you agree you should send me a comment here, you have time till 5th November.
I shall randomly form the chain of names and I'll let you know.
You will have 1 month time before mailing the gift to its recipient.
I hope we shall be numerous .....
Have fun.
So if your interested please go over to Rosanna's blog and sign up, it should be fun...

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Tempus Fugit...

As they say Tempus Fugit.. (Time Flies)..

Thank you for all the Birthday Wishes for Harry. Mick took this photograph of his cake. Harry had a lovely day at the riding school and then his best friend Conner came over late afternoon for tea and they spent the evening on the X-Box Live and watching DVD's..

Harry's Riding School are having another open day this Saturday for Halloween. I'm gutted that I couldn't help out this time. I'd have loved to have dressed up as a Witch.. Oh well, hopefully I will be able to participate next year.

My Super Douper Antibiotic's, seem to have cleared up the infection in my leg. But I've still got swelling on the bottom of the leg, ankle and foot. The boys have been saying that I have a Cankle. Don't you just love em...Horror Pots..

Yesterday, I had an appointment at the Doctor's for blood tests. Now I have to say at this point, I have a total aversion to Hypodermics, especially when they are coming in my direction. By the time I got into the Nurse's office, I'd already broken out in a cold sweat and my hands were disgustingly clammy. The Nurse was brilliant and managed to get my blood at the first attempt, although I cut of the blood supply in Mick's hand as I was squeezing it so much.. When I finally looked there was 4 vials of blood ready to be sent off for testing. Well done that Nurse.
Tomorrow, I have an appointment at the Hospital with the Cardiac Rehabilitation Nurse and the Physiotherapist. I've been told to expect the appointment to last over an hour, as they will see what my heart and I are capable of...

Which brings me to the Garage, the Caravan and the Barn.
After having the scare that we did. I spoke to Mick about having a major sort out of my miniatures. It worried me to think, that if anything had happened to me, Mick and the boys would have been left to sort this lot out. So as soon as I am able, I am making it a priority. Its a massive job, but I've got to get it done. As you can see every nook and cranny is filled. The miniatures that I have made and collected, which I no longer need or love will be sold. Shame there are no miniature fairs in Wales. I will then be able to concentrate on the new ideas, that are in my notebooks.

Saturday 24 October 2009

Happy 14th Birthday Harry...

It's our Son Harry's 14th Birthday today.
"Wishing you a Wonderful Birthday Harry, may all your dreams come true". Love you lots Mum, Dad &
Harry is spending the day at his Riding School and has some friends coming over this evening.
We brought him a new phone for his Birthday, after Mick ran over his old one with the Jeep while I was in Hospital!. Some DVDs, new riding clothes and Riding boots and we are paying for him to take a Riding Exam next week.

Monday 19 October 2009


I been awarded some Awards.
The first one is the Kreativ Blogger award and is from Casey and Tessie over at Casey's Mini's. Sassy Marsha over at Sassy Mini Dolls and Begona over at Just a little push. Thank you Ladies..xx

Here are the rules for the award:
1.Thank the person who gave this to you.
2.Copy the logo and place it in your blog.
3.Link the person who nominated you.
4.Name 7 things about yourself that no one would really know.
5.Nominate seven "Kreativ Bloggers"
6.Post links to the seven blogs you nominate.
7.Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know that you nominate them.

The Second Award Este blog e um Sonho! I received from, Terry, Casey, Olivia, Rosanna, Biby, Karin and Maria. Thank you all xxx
Here are the rules;
1. Display the image of the prize and publish the rules.
2. Post the link of who won the prize
3. Give 10 blogs dream to which award the prize.
4. Notice blogs listed.

The Third Award is from Caterina over at Le Minis Di Cockerina.

And the Friendship award is from Kathi over at Beautiful Mini Blessings. Here's what Kathi said about the award.
I created this little Friendship Award for you this morning. Even though we may be far apart we are close at heart. Our love of miniatures is what brings us together!

I think Snoopy and Woodstock are the perfect little friends. Thank you Charles Schultz!

I want to thank everyone who follows my blog and those who leave me such sweet comments! I consider each of you my friend!

If you would like to pass this award along, please do!

The rules are simple. Just pick three friends - I know that's hard! Choose someone who has inspired you or brought joy into your life. Let them know how much you appreciate them by giving them this award and ask them to pass it on! Then please link back to this post so I can see who receives this award! That's it! Hope you enjoy sharing this award with your friends!

Debbie - I want to thank Nikki for introducing me to Debbie. When I heard that Debbie was sick and needed open heart surgery, my heart went out to her. I'm so thankful that she is able to return to this mini-world again! In this big wide world it's so nice to find a friend like Debbie! I know if we lived next door to each other we would probably get into big trouble!
She is just my kind of friend!

Thank you everyone for the awards. I'm going to cheat here and award the awards to all my followers. Enjoy Love Debbie xxxx

Sunday 18 October 2009

More Welcomes...

A Big Welcome to another two followers since yesterday. They are:-
Minicrochetmad who has a blog by the same name Minicrochetmad. Her little crocheted Teddies are wonderful and so are her little Fur Babies.
Julie G. who's blog is called Yummy Miniature Foods From The Crow. Lots of pictures of miniatures on here..
As always please go over and say Hi...

I've also added these and everyone else's blog links over on the Tiny Treasures Mini Links Blog.
There's quite a few hundred over there now. If you have any links that you'd like me to add, please send me an email and I'll pop them on there.

Saturday 17 October 2009

Welcome ....

While I've been ill and away from my blog, I've had lots of new followers.
A very big welcome to you all.
I'm going to try and list everyone, but if I miss anyone, I apologise and if I've already welcomed you and do it again, just ignore me.. LOL..
So first off is Claudia, who's blog is called Mockingbird Hill Cottage.
Luca who's blog is called Miniaturas para Elsa.
Kerry at Ella-Rose Miniatures, just have a look at her Cake Challenge Cake. Its magnificent..
Karin from KC-Design, Karin makes some wonderful magical miniatures.
Also, another Karin, who I think her blog is called My Minis KB. KArin sculpts the most lovely miniature Dolls.
Stephen Baird who's blog is called Nikon Sniper, some fabulous photography on his blog.
Evelien, who's blog is called ejacreates. Evelien is building her first Dolls House and is making a wonderful job of it.
Hankhara, who's blog is called Mis Cosicas.
Kelly Reins who's blog is called Altered Art Jewelry by Kelly Reins.
Christina who's blog is called Clay Wishes By Christina. Cute little clay bears and some very interesting links on her blog.
Lee who again I can't find any info for.
Victoria Guanche who again I can't find a blog for.
Vane who's blog is called El minimundo de Vane, some wonderful mini's on this blog.
Cheryl from A Miniature Place, no posts as yet, come on Cheryl show us your Miniature's..
Lori from Oh Mini Of Mine. Lori builds and decorates the American Kits, her attention to detail is fantastic.
DollMum who has a blog of the same name Doll Mum's Blog.
Laurina Bartmann who's blog is called Das Strunzertaler Volk, I just love her Trolls..
Paris Miniatures who are a "girlie" and "bloke" team. You may know them as Emmaflam & Miniman. Their blog is called Paris Miniatures and they make the most wonderful miniature food.
Le Coffre who's blog is called Le Coffre D'Emilie and is a miniature visual treat.
Uneekdolldesigns, who's blog is called Uneek Musings.
Miniaturista who's blog is called Miniaturista-minisypx.
Casita Mini who's blog is called Casita Mini Foro.
Begonia who's blog is called Just A Little Push. Begonia is very new to the miniature world, but have a look at the kitchen cupboards she built from scratch, wonderful.
Cockerina who's blog is called Le Minis Di Cockerina.
Asli who's blog is called Tasarim,Hobi,Maket,ilginc,minik,detay... Some nice miniatures.
Amica, can't find any info for this one.
Sajonara who's blog is called Il Mondo Incantato. Sajonara is very new to the blogosphere.
Victoria who's blog is called Little Boxes.
Nuri who's blog is called Las Minis De Nuri.
Anneke who's blog is calld Pieplyts and is very new to the blogosphere.
And last but not least is Rosa who's blog is called Mini Creazioni.

Hopefully, I've included everyone that I should have, if I've left anyone out please let me know. As always please go over and say Hi.

It's taken me nearly four hours to do this post, as I have to keep getting up and moving around. I meant to tell you all how I got on at the Doctors on Thursday. My leg has been really quite sore over the last few days, where the vein was taken and is swollen and in parts quite hot. I was worried that I might have a DVT (deep vein thombosis). Lucky for me, it's not, but I do have Cellulitus, (if you click on the name it will take you over for an explaination). So the Doctor has put me on some super douper, Antibiotic's to clear the infection.


Friday 16 October 2009

Look Who's Landed...

Look who's landed over at our place.

Debie from Piskies and Poppets made a wonderful flying Witch, that was featured in the October issue of AIM. If you click on the name it will take you over to the tutorial.
Well I fell in love with "The Flying Witch" and she is officially my Get Well Present to myself.. LOL..

I also asked Debie if she could make me a kindly shop keeper for Eeylops Owl Emporium and she is wonderful. I'm thrilled to bits with her and has the most wonderful kind face. Unfortunately, the batteries on my camera ran out, so these are the only photographs that I have at the moment and they really don't do either Doll justice. Hopefully, Debie has some better ones that she will share over on her blog, until I can get some batteries.

Thursday 15 October 2009

Visual Treats For You & For Me...

Hi Everyone, I'm back.......! I can't believe I haven't posted on my blog myself, since Mick's Birthday on 21st August. Thankfully, Ben was able to keep you and me updated.
It's six weeks today, that I had my Heart Surgery...

Firstly, I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone that sent Get Well Wishes and Gifts and for the support you showed to Mick, Ben & Harry. I can't express my deepest gratitude, you all helped to get us through a very worrying and scary time in our lives. Your positive vibes and prayers certainly helped us all and are still helping in my long road to recovery. I have been working my way through the lists, that dear Nikki sent and hopefully you should have all received a personnel email from me. (Please check your spam folders). I'd also like to Thank Nikki for being such a wonderful caring friend, who took it upon herself to organise my wonderful surprises and who rings to make sure I'm OK. Your a very special person Nikki.. xxxx

I still can't sit at the computer for too long, especially without the help of super strength painkillers.
I'm off to the Doctors later this morning to get him to check my leg as its quite swollen and quite hot to the touch. My chest scar is healing really well, but I've had a few dissolving stitches removed, as they don't seem to dissolve in me!..Typical..

As for the visual treats. Mick took pictures of the Sunset we had a couple of nights ago. If you click on the photo's they will pop up bigger.

The other photo's show the visual treats I've had. Dear Jodi and Richard Creager, sent me a set of their wonderful DVDs on sculpting as a Get Well Gift and a wonderful letter. Let me say I have thoroughly enjoyed watching them all and I'm determined to have a go, when I feeling better. The DVDs are fun and very informative, Jodi and Richard, really explain everything and their attention to detail has to be seen to be believed. (I just loved the little voice in the background..LOL).
I also received a wonderful book from Dearest Rosanna, showing a Bird's Eye view over her wonderful City Genova, in Italy. Rosanna, also put in little arrow's showing me where her home is located and the real Casa Rossa.
It's a beautiful visual treat...
Thank you all..

Debbie xxxxx

Sunday 4 October 2009

Mum's Blogland Surprise.... Part 2

Hi everyone its Ben.
First off Sorry for not posting this sooner but haven't had much time.
Mum received another surprise parcel from Nikki over at Witch & Wizard Miniatures on Wednesday from more of her friends out there in Blogland. Please see Nikki's blog for more pictures.
We had the box of tissues handy this time! And yes, they were needed.
Mum has again asked me to Thank you all for your wonderful gifts and Get Well Wishes.
Mum also wrote a few words and asked me to share them with you. Ben

Hi Everyone,
Thank you all so much for your wonderful gifts,cards and get well wishes. I have been so overwhelmed by every one's wonderful generous gifts. I really appreciate your kindness. Unfortunately, at the moment it is too painful for me to sit at the computer, and I'm missing reading every one's blogs. I'm looking forward to being able to sit and catch up with everyone.
My scars are healing nicely, although it still feels like someone has danced on my chest. Another two weeks before I can do anything, got to let the Sternum heal. I'm having more good days then bad, but I'm a bit up and down, like a Yo-Yo, thank goodness for maximum strength painkillers. LOL..
Hopefully I'll catch up with you all soon.
Love Debbie xxx