Sunday 4 October 2009

Mum's Blogland Surprise.... Part 2

Hi everyone its Ben.
First off Sorry for not posting this sooner but haven't had much time.
Mum received another surprise parcel from Nikki over at Witch & Wizard Miniatures on Wednesday from more of her friends out there in Blogland. Please see Nikki's blog for more pictures.
We had the box of tissues handy this time! And yes, they were needed.
Mum has again asked me to Thank you all for your wonderful gifts and Get Well Wishes.
Mum also wrote a few words and asked me to share them with you. Ben

Hi Everyone,
Thank you all so much for your wonderful gifts,cards and get well wishes. I have been so overwhelmed by every one's wonderful generous gifts. I really appreciate your kindness. Unfortunately, at the moment it is too painful for me to sit at the computer, and I'm missing reading every one's blogs. I'm looking forward to being able to sit and catch up with everyone.
My scars are healing nicely, although it still feels like someone has danced on my chest. Another two weeks before I can do anything, got to let the Sternum heal. I'm having more good days then bad, but I'm a bit up and down, like a Yo-Yo, thank goodness for maximum strength painkillers. LOL..
Hopefully I'll catch up with you all soon.
Love Debbie xxx


  1. Dear Debbie. I had now idea about this. I am sorry to hear that you are sick. Please be better soon. I have been missing you. Get well wishes and minihugs:)

  2. Debbie, I'm so glad to hear that you're have more good days than bad ones! That is GOOD news!! We miss you too, but you need to take care of yourself and heal properly so you don't have any relapses.

    Who made you that awesome photo album? What a thoughtful gift!!!


  3. How fun to see my little gift with you at last! I had so much fun making it for you!
    I do hope that each day is better than the one before. I'm glad to hear you are doing alright.
    Take care. Big hugs from Alabama USA!

  4. Dear Debbie,
    It is good to know that you are on the mend even though you still need the painkillers a lot.
    Do you have access to a laptop which might be one way of keep up with Miniature blogland rather than having to sit up at a computer desk?
    Best wishes for a good recovery

  5. So glad that everything is safely with you~ And that it has brought so much happiness to you! There's a lot of people out here that really appreciate you!! Also glad to see that your getting better, just take one day at a time, and it will all be over before you know it! Your so strong to have made it this far!! Big mini hugs to you and the family!!


  6. It is something good that there are better days...this is the beginning of the recovery.
    We will wait for you, take care!!
    We miss you!

  7. Debbie, so pleased that you are healing well in body and mind. We all miss you. What wonderful pressies, love the little photo album too and that beautiful bed!All fantastic, hope they cheered you up.
    Take care, and we hope you grow from strength to strength. Kate, John and Family xxx

  8. Hi Debbie. Its good to see you healing well and the swelling and bruising going down.
    The gifts from everyone are beautiful and hoping soon you feel strong enough to find a home for them.
    Lots of love, Nikki xxx

  9. Hello Debbie!
    My name is Caterina, I write from Italy and are finished in your blog almost by accident, I have a blog of miniatures too:

    I read your last post yesterday, and I was impressed by how much solidarity you got from your friends ... I was very touched and I cried! and this prompted me to read all the history that your beloved son Ben and painstakingly transcribed ....
    are upset by what happened to you but I am also glad you are back home now and that is OK!
    This summer my husband risked his life, had fallen off a very tall ladder and fractured a lumbar vertebra, while remaining restrained in the hospital for a month without eating food, and without being able to raise, not even to go to the bathroom ... did a surgery and they put a prosthesis in the spine, so now, after two months can walk again.
    Luckily, we were all afraid to be paralyzed!
    but fortunately everything was solved well ...
    you'll see that soon you'll be fine too!
    I make lots of wishes for a speedy recovery, we hug !!... And please, do not get tired!
    I enrolled to your blog, so every time step to see how you ...
    many kisses

    Sorry if I do not write well in English, but I translated with Google translate ...
    soon, Caterina

  10. Debbie- I am also glad to hear that there are more good days than bad. It is good that you are taking it slow and allowing yourself to heal. It may be frustrating now, but you are so active and do so much that a good heal will be far better for you in the long run. I miss your posts so much- but am glad to hear good news and I hope you continue to feel better and better every single day. Much love to you!

  11. So glad to hear that you are making progress Debbie.
    Everyone is missing you so be good and then you will soon be back with us!

  12. Aw! Miss you Debbie and I'm glad to hear you're healing well. Sorry about those bad days, and yes, good thing for those painkillers! I bet you miss kissing your ponies, too. Thinking of you. xo Kate in Maine usa

  13. Dear Debbie
    I'm so glad to hear of you!
    I miss you too...
    Its good to see you healing well !
    please get well soon!
    xxx hugs Marja

  14. Hi debbie,
    So glad to hear you are on the mend and that you are getting more good days than bad now. Take it easy and get plenty of rest and before you know it, everything will be healed and you will be back with us blogging and putting all those beautiful presents in their new homes.
    Good to hear from you, take care, Julia & Hywel x

  15. Hello Debbie, how are you today?
    I hope better! I also wish you a gift:
    Come see it in my blog
    ... there's a prize for you!
    kisses, Caterina

  16. Here's wishing you well, and most of all get better soon! I have really enjoyed your miniatures, thanks for sharing.

  17. Hello Debbie. I have missed you and I hope you will be better soon.

  18. dear Debby,
    in my blog there is a awards for you!!!

  19. Debbie, I hope you are feeling better and better every day. I am just now getting a get well gift finished. I hope to get it in the mail soon.

    Meanwhile...You have a couple of awards over at my blog. Please come get them. Don't hurry. Just get well!

  20. Hello sweetheart! Hope all is well and that you are at least able to read your comments! We miss you!

    I have a pretty little award for you over at my blog. Hope you stop by and pick it up!


  21. I left you an award on my blog.

  22. Hi Debbie there is an award for you if you want to pick it up. Have a nice day Hugs Rosanna

  23. Hello,
    you have won an award for your blog.
    You can get it on my blog

    I´am a fan of your blog.
    Please be better soon!

    Kisses from Portugal

  24. Hi Debbie, All, all, all the best with your recovery. I have to admit I missed out on a lot that has happend but reading back it sounds like a big ordeal. I read that Nikki has been a huge support and organized that warm bath of little gestures. Aint it nice to know that so much care!? I guess its because miniaturists know that the little things in live make all the differents? So; do stay out of trouble if you can, take care and improve by the day!
