Friday 16 October 2009

Look Who's Landed...

Look who's landed over at our place.

Debie from Piskies and Poppets made a wonderful flying Witch, that was featured in the October issue of AIM. If you click on the name it will take you over to the tutorial.
Well I fell in love with "The Flying Witch" and she is officially my Get Well Present to myself.. LOL..

I also asked Debie if she could make me a kindly shop keeper for Eeylops Owl Emporium and she is wonderful. I'm thrilled to bits with her and has the most wonderful kind face. Unfortunately, the batteries on my camera ran out, so these are the only photographs that I have at the moment and they really don't do either Doll justice. Hopefully, Debie has some better ones that she will share over on her blog, until I can get some batteries.


  1. Debie you are most welcome, I am glad that they have a lovely home with you.
    Debie xxx

  2. Dear Debbie, an Award is waiting on my blog for you.

  3. Dear Debbie, an Award is waiting on my blog for you.
    Hugs from Karin

  4. So glad you are back! I love the "kindly face" on your shop keeper too. Debie is very talented. She looks perfect for your shop!

  5. Debie's dolls are just fab!!


  6. What wonderful dolls you have found. One can only love those faces

  7. Oooh you beat me to it, I loved her! I will have to ask Debie to make not only a Mark 2 Melvin for Johns Laboratory but also a Mark 2 of this witch, I can see her in the Potter house with all the other wonderful dolls I am adding to the collection. Lovely to have all different friends making things for your houses isnt it, makes it feel so much more special!!
    The shopkeeper is perfect too, and you deserve to treat yourself Debbie!
    Looks great
    Kate and John xx

  8. Debbie! So glad to see you back! Your new tenants are so wonderful. Debie is so talented!! They look so perfect in their new setting! -ara

  9. Ahhh Debbie - it is so nice to see you back. I have really missed you. Those dolls are really great and I love the faces on them.

  10. ohhh..debbie she is beatyfull...
    what a great gift form debie...
    and a second new
    you have fun with it...
    hugs Marja xx

  11. Hi Debbie, thanks for welcoming me so nicely to the blogosphere! I love your blog and seeing all the wonderfull pictures!

  12. Yay!! Your posting again!! I love that witch! Jonna

  13. Fantastic dolls from Debie and i know you are thrilled with them.
    I love the way the shop keep is dressed and she has a really sweet face. Have you got a name for her yet?
    The flying witch is beautiful and one of my faves. I love the way her hair is styled and her dress is beautiful. She has a sweet face too!

    Lovely to see you back blogging too.
    Its been starnge not having you here and i missed you lots.

    Nikki xxx

  14. Debbie it lovely to see you posting again and Debies dolls are so kindly looking. Nikkis right about the witch being beautiful.
    mini ickle hugs
