Thursday 12 March 2009


The last couple of days has been very traumatic and I haven't had the time or energy to work on my Miniatures. I've spent the best part of the last two days on the phone sorting things long distance with Doctors, Police and Hospitals. So please bear with me, I'll hopefully be back on track by the weekend.

I've just popped over to Sandra's blog for my daily update, only to find that Sandra had been given a Meme, and has passed it on to me.
Here's what Sandra said:-
So now I have to tag someone else with this meme and have chosen a fellow miniaturist whose positive work ethic puts mine to shame..... Debbie at Tiny Treasures. Over to you Deb!

Thank you Sandra...
I now have to list five things that are Great/Good/Going Well about my life..
So in no particular order they are:-

* My Husband Mick & my wonderful Son's Ben & Harry, who can bring a smile to my face everyday and put up with a Mad Miniaturist Wife/Mum.. To know that I am Loved for who I am warts and all.

* My new Life in Wales, where I wake every morning to wonderful Scenery and know just how lucky I am, especially after a very traumatic couple of years before we moved here.

* The wonderful friends, old and the new that I have made via this blog and my miniatures. I thank you all for your friendship and inspiration.

* My wonderful animals, Ponies, Dogs and Cats, which I couldn't do without and love dearly.

* My Miniatures that have kept me sane, or many would say insane!

I now have to pass this award to someone else and it goes to Nikki, at Witch & Wizards Miniatures, who is a great Artist and dear friend and is as totally mad as me......LOL...


  1. I hope whatever trauma life has thrown at you gets resolved quickly. Will keep you in our thoughts.
    Big Hugs

  2. Thank you Debbie. I'm glad you said the mad bit. Mad is what i like to be. Not long ago my madness worried me and what others thought. These days i'm quite happy for people to think i'm insane and eccentric... lol
    Thank you also for calling me a dear friend. In an essex accent 'aint alf glad i met you'. Really do mean that.
    Your like my kindred spirit.
    Just so you all know i don't actually have an essex accent and don't really have any particular accent. Moved around too much on the run to pick one up... lol. Kidding!
    I'll have a good think about who to pass this onto and post Monday.
    Thanks Debbie

  3. I figured something was've been so quiet! I hope is well, hun......Keep your chin up! ~big hug~


  4. Hope everthing is ok. Traumatic times can be dificult to bear, but I will be thinking of you and hope everthing sorts itself out.

    On a lighter note, I have an award over at my blog if you wish to accept it.

    Love Jayne xxx

  5. A belated thank you for the lovely welcome Debbie. Hopefully things straighten out quickly and you can relax.


  6. Hi Debbie, I hope that whatever bothers you will solve very quickly and with no backwards inconvenience. I shall be looking at your coming back as good humoured as always. Big hugs to you and family

  7. I hope everything turns out well for you! Have faith it will! That helps. A hugXX

  8. Dear Debbie...

    May all be well in your life soon... and may the stress of dealing what life offers be a distant memory very soon...

    Hugs from Arizona


  9. Debbie, I hope this period of stress is very short and that you will be back on Diagon Alley soon where its magic will bring back the fun. You will be in my thoughts.

  10. Sending love and hugs your way Debbie! and hoping that this time of trauma passes quickly for you and your loved ones.
    Vicky xxx

  11. Thank you everyone for your kind messages.. I really appreciate them..

  12. Hope you are feeling better today Debbie.

  13. Debbie, all thinking of you and hope everything sorts itself out soon so you feel your usual bright and enthusiastic self we all love :-) John and Kate xx

  14. Debbie, I hope that things are getting better! You have a lot of people that are pulling for you, whatever the cause of the trouble. We are here if you need us!

    Love and Hugs!

  15. Debbie I hope that everything is all right and that you are feeling better...

  16. Gosh, I hope everything will be okay very soon.

    Mini Leaps and Bounds

  17. Debbie oh ... I was busy and this piece on your blog missed.
    I hope everything is okay now ..
    and wish you all the best
    huggs Marja
