Thursday 12 March 2009

Happy Birthday.. Jean & Jodi..

Wishing Jean of Jean Day Miniatures, a very Happy Birthday for today. Enjoy your day Jean.

Happy Belated Birthday Wishes to Jodi of Creager Studio's, who celebrated her Birthday yesterday.. I hope you had a good one Jodi..

Also meant to say Happy Birthday to Mick's Mum. Who's Birthday was also yesterday. Mick did ring his Mum yesterday, to wish her Many Happy Returns...


  1. Bless your heart Debbie ...that is very sweet... The day was joyous from start to finish...AND...I think I got 'younger'!!! Cool, huh!

    Thanks again


  2. Happy Birthday!!!! I wish you all the best.
    Warm regards,

  3. My Goodness, what an amazingly, lovely surprise!!! I feel so blessed to have found you and other lovely friends through blogging!!! Big Hugs, Jean

  4. Very Very Happy Birthday Jean and Jodi! Wishes you have the best day and eat lots of good cake :o)

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU BOTH, have a great timne with lots of mini hugs Kate and John xxxxx
    Jodi, I say 33 every year!!!
