Saturday 31 January 2009


I've been doing even more distressing today on some Barrels for the Apothecary.
This is an extract from the book concerning the Apothecary:-
The Apothecary is a fascinating shop crammed with all sorts of interesting things. There are barrels of slimy stuff lined up on the floor and jars of all sorts of powders, herbs, and the like along the walls. Bundles of feathers, fangs, and claws hang from the ceiling. The whole place smells very bad, a mixture of bad eggs and rotten cabbage.
So I now need to fill them, with Slimy Stuff..Yuk!

Wizard's Bookcase..

I've been distressing again this morning. This little bookcase is for the upstairs in the Apothecary.
The wonderful little books are a Magic set, that I brought from Grace at Treefeathers.
Grace also has a blog called Treefeathers Life In Miniature. Unfortunately, my photography skills don't do them justice. Your better off going to have a look on Grace's web site. She has hundreds of lovely books to choose from.
It's very difficult trying to organise the upstairs of the Apothecary, due to the shape and height of the walls. I want it to look cluttered, lived in but well worn.. And of course this is where the Wizard, mixes and makes all the potions and spells.
I was extremely lucky last night, to win some more of Nikki's wonderful Witch & Wizard Miniatures on EBay, which will also be going in the Apothecary. I'll share them with you later.

Friday 30 January 2009

A Distressing Day..

I've had a distressing day, well I haven't but the table for the Apothecary has. It's had a couple of coats of watered down acrylic paint and a good rub with a very fine sandpaper..
I've been trying some bits and pieces out on it, just to see what they looked like.

Kat The Hat....

I've just had an email from Kat from Kat The Hat..
Here's a copy of the email:-

Hi Everyone,
Just to let you know I have added a Witches hat pattern on my blog page for any of you you fancy a go! Please pass my blog address to any of your friends who might find it interesting.
I will be concentrating on my blog this year adding new lines I am selling on eBay plus things I am making for my Witches house. I shall also be sharing my ideas and tips on how to make your very own creations. Plus adding new websites I have found and miniature news. I shall also be adding updates on fab items seen in magazines and in the media. Plus a bit of chatter and general moaning ha ha ha!
My blog page is now going to be a replacement for my website which takes me far to long to alter and update! You can still however see some of my past work on my website
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions and please keep in touch I love hearing from you all.
LOL to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kat the hat lady:-)

If you've never seen Kat's fantastic Hat's I suggest you go over to her blog and have a look. I'm one of the lucky ones, who have quite a few of Kats hats in my collection.. Their Magical..............

Thursday 29 January 2009

Casey's Parcel Arrived At Long Last But...

Casey from Casey's Minis, emailed me this evening to let me know that the Tea Service, she won in my Birthday Give Away, had finally arrived but the parcel had been ripped open.. As Luck would have it the Tea service arrived in one piece, but I'd put some other little goodies in there as well. Which have all mysteriously disappeared.. I forgot to ask Casey whether my letter was in there or had that gone as well.
Well who ever took them, they won't bring you any luck because you've stolen them and I hope your bloody fingers fall off.. I've asked Tessie, Casey's little Witch to cast a spell on them as well..


I have another four followers! Welcome to my World..
They are:-
Debbie from Debbie's English Treasures, who's blog contains lots of Vintage Treasures.
Ju who's blog is called Ju Ricieri Mini Enxoval, lots of lovely mini's on her blog..
Sandra from Pequenas Artes.
Carmen at La Ventana a mi mundo..

As always go and say Hello..

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Meet The Mandrakes...

Well here they are what do you think of these little fellows?...Can you see their faces?..

Thank You Everybody...

Thanks for all the "Get Well Wishes" everybody.. I'm still feeling under the weather, but managed to drag myself out of bed this morning. I resemble Rudolf at the moment, you know that reindeer with the bright Red nose.. It's the sneezing and the constant runny nose that's getting on my wick.
However, this afternoon, I actually starting playing with some clay and my little creations are in the oven at the moment.. I'll show you them later, once their finished..
I've been making little Mandrakes, peeking from their pots. Just like in the Harry Potter Movie. I've still got to make the leaves, coming out of their heads, but as I was working with the clay, all of a sudden a little face appeared and they all look different..

Tuesday 27 January 2009

A Brief Interlude..

A brief interlude ensues today on my blog. I seem to have woken up today with the lurgy, and I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself at the moment. After having to go shopping this morning, well it was either that or we wouldn't eat. I've spent this afternoon, laying on the sofa dosed up with Flu medicine, which has brought my temperature down, but not the energy to do any Miniature Work..
Think its an early night for me with my new best friend Mr Olbas Oil..

Monday 26 January 2009

Miniature Bears..

Found these little bears today. These were the first Miniature bears I ever made.. Their all fully jointed. My sewing skills did improve and I made quite a few of these as gifts for my friends.
I also made a little Jester bear, but he seems to have disappeared....
The biggest Bear is 3ins standing & is Mick's, the second biggest is 2 & half inches standing & is Ben's & the teeny teddy stands just over one inch & is Harry's...

Welcome To Ten New Followers...

I have another ten followers, can't quite believe how many people are watching my daily ramblings..
Welcome to you all, they are:-
Brujita who's blog is called Brujitamins, some lovely miniatures & tutorials.
Jayne who's blog is called Cup Cake Fantasy.
Casey at Casey's Minis, who always has something to share, lots of tutorials on there. Also Hello to Tessie, can't leave her out can we Casey!.
Susanna at Elamaa Koossa 1:12.
Minna at Linnanneidon Lokikirja.
Hendrawan Armanto who has three blogs.
Glenda at Dab of This and That..
JFolk at A Little Roomer by Jaime, lovely creations on this fairly new blog.
No Soy Job who has five wonderful blogs, with loads of Miniatures.
And last but not least is Silke Janas-Schlooesser, who has seven blogs. You really must go and look at all of them the sculpt's are beautiful..
Please go and say Hi...

Filling Jars...

I spent some time this morning filling some more Jars for "Honeydukes". I brought some very fine crafting sand in different colours, to resemble Sherbet. Just 19 jars left to fill now..

Sunday 25 January 2009

Have You Seen Their Chests..

I thought that title might grab your attention.. I've been trying to catch up with every one's blogs tonight. Gosh and there was a lot to catch up on. Marsha, Marlies and Kewpie were inspired by my Chest Tutorial to make their own. Well I've been and had a look and they look fantastic.
I'm ashamed to say it, but me the instigator of all this mini making haven't finished mine. LOL..
I hope you don't mind girls, but I've borrowed the photo's from your blogs to show every one.
Go and have a look at their blogs, you won't be disappointed.
Marsha at Sassy Mini Dolls.
Marlies at Marlies and Minies.
Kewpie at Miniatures by Kewpie.

Nikki's Creations...

Nikki from Witch & Wizard Miniatures, emailed me this morning saying that she'd made me a lovely little sewing basket for Diagon Alley as a Thank you for the Cabbages. But it's no ordinary sewing basket, its a Witch's Sewing basket with Bone Knitting Needles.. How cool is that. Nikki you are so kind to do that for me. Its Naughty but very, very Nice..
If you click on the photo, it will come up bigger, so that you can see the detail..
Nikki is putting some of her new creations on Ebay this evening at around 6pm GMT. Click here for Nikki's Ebay Link..
Also just to let everyone know that Nikki, has also created another blog to showcase her work.
Here's the link:- Nikkinikkinikki 72 Photo Gallery...

I Blame Nikki - Eye-Eye

I blame Nikki, for this morbid fascination I now have in making weird and wonderful bits and pieces for Diagon Alley.. Only joking Nikki, you've got my creative juices flowing.. This is one idea I had for the Eye's I cooked yesterday. There's a few more to come..
Meet the Star-Gazer Plant... I've only made two, as they took ages to make..But I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out....

Hogwarts Cake...

Ben was telling me this morning about a show he watched while he was staying at Katie's, called the Ace of Cakes. The owner makes the most wonderful edible creations. Well I googled it this morning, and found that they'd actually made a replica cake of Hogwarts for the L.A. Premier of the Harry Potter movie.. Fancy getting stuck into this.

Saturday 24 January 2009

I've Got My Eyes In The Oven...

I've got my eyes in the oven. No not my real eyes! Miniature ones... Remember that idea I said I had earlier? Well I've been sitting playing with my clay for the past couple of hours and hopefully if it turns out OK, I'll have another weird and wonderful creation to show you..

I've been Having A Rummage..

I've been having a rummage in the garage today. I was looking for some little flower pots, I've had another idea!
I did manage to find them and then spied a box that I haven't opened and Oh, what did I find, what I've been looking for ages. A box filled to over flowing with all my Miniature materials, laces, Bunka. etc, etc. Oh the Joy.. I've brought it back in doors, to add to the accumulated clutter and have spent about an hour, looking through it all.
There's stuff in there that I'd completely forgotten about.

Friday 23 January 2009

Yummy Sweeties..

Gosh I didn't realise until I reopened Nikki's parcel, just how many Sweeties Nikki had sent me. I had enough to feel twelve jars.. Thank you Nikki, you've saved me loads of work.
Only 26 left to fill.. LOL.. And loads of rock to make for the counter unit and more chocolates.. Oh and then there's the Sugar Mice and Candy floss and the large liquorice wheels.. The list goes on..
Nikki also sent me some Chocolate Bunny Rabbits, but they are not going in yet want to wrap them in some cellophane and ribbons first.

If you are new to this blog and want to know where I got the units from here's the link Matlock Miniatures.
There listed under the White Wood Range..

Mini Glass...

I had a delivery today, of some miniature glass sweetie jars... Thank you Ed xxx. Ed blows all my glass for me..
I'd run out of Jars for all the Sweeties, that I've been working on for "Honeydukes"..
Nikki sent me some nauseous nougat and some sweets that look very like eyeballs. I'm going to go and fill the jars up now.. I'll take some pictures and upload them later, so you can see what they look like...

Mini Links..

Just to let everyone know, over the last few days I've added quite a few new links over on my
Tiny Treasures Mini Links Page. If anyone has a link that I've missed that you'd like to share, please email me the page link and I'll add it. Please make your email Mini Link, just in case it goes in my spam folder. I hope your all finding the link page helpful. There's some wonderful sites on there...
Off to do the Stables now, be back later.. x

Another Blog Award...

I've received another blog award from Brujita at Brujitaminis. Thank you very much.
That now means I have to pass this one on to another 15 people. So with the one I received yesterday from Lenira at Minimundomania, thats 30 people. Good job I read lots of blogs.
So here goes, I would like to forward this award on to:-
Christine at Candid Canine, who's blog is always interesting.
Dragonstar at Dragon Days for sharing her photographs and for her love of Dragons..
Gaye at Creating Dollshouse Miniatures, for finding all those video's to share with us.
Rosanna at La Stanza di giuggiol, for all her wonderful creations.
Stephanie at PetitPlat, who's creations always make my mouth water.
Susanna at Ellamaa Koossa 1:12, lovely Mini's on there.
Patricia at Fairies Fair, for her wonderful sculpts.
Vane for her blog Peketienda.
Valeria at Brincando de Boneca.
Daisy at Loja De Artesana Colonial 1/12.
Dollhead at Dollhead blog for always having some great Dolls to show us.
Marja at Marja's Wondere Wereld Van Minatuur.
Cookie at Cookie's World Of Historic Dolls Houses & Miniatures.
Katie at Katies Clay Corner, for her entertaining blog.
Minna at Minna's Doll World.

Donna at Never Enough Time.
Jayne at Cup Cake Fantasy for sharing all her creations.
Laura at Laura's Miniatures.
Kathy at Kathy's Funny Farm.
Casey at Casey's Minis for always sharing her hints & tips.
Sandra at Tales Of A Toymaker, for such an entertaining blog.
Vicky at NJD Miniatures.
Nikki at Witch & Wizard Miniatures for her friendship and great miniatures.
Kat at Kat The Hat's Blog, for her wonderful Miniature hats.
Tonyina at Can Tonyina Minis.
Fluffy Bricks at Fluffy Bricks.
Jody at Mini Leaps & Bounds.
Marsha at Sassy Mini Dolls for all her wonderful Sassy Dolls & did I tell you she loves Pink..
Marlies at Marlies and Minies.
Doreen at Doreen's Projects.
Not all of these blogs are Mini related but I think they deserve the award.
To those of you that have received the award please post it on your blog and pass on to 15 others who you want to receive it. If you haven't got 15 to pass it on to, just pass it on to who you want.

Cabbages In The Crate...

Kewpie from Miniatures by Kewpie, asked very nicely in the last post if I could post a picture of the Cabbages in their crate.. So just for you Kewpie, I've taken some pictures. All I did was put some bubble wrap in the button of the crate to act like a cushion and managed to get four Cabbages to sit on the top. No wonder Kids don't like greens....

Thursday 22 January 2009

Carnivous Cabbages Bite Again...

Their painted and dry now. I've taken a picture up against a ruler so you can gauge how small they are. Those teeth were tricky little blighter's and sharp, thank goodness for needle ended tweezers..I might even add a drop of blood on those fangs.. Going to try them out in a crate now to see that they look like..