Monday 26 January 2009

Welcome To Ten New Followers...

I have another ten followers, can't quite believe how many people are watching my daily ramblings..
Welcome to you all, they are:-
Brujita who's blog is called Brujitamins, some lovely miniatures & tutorials.
Jayne who's blog is called Cup Cake Fantasy.
Casey at Casey's Minis, who always has something to share, lots of tutorials on there. Also Hello to Tessie, can't leave her out can we Casey!.
Susanna at Elamaa Koossa 1:12.
Minna at Linnanneidon Lokikirja.
Hendrawan Armanto who has three blogs.
Glenda at Dab of This and That..
JFolk at A Little Roomer by Jaime, lovely creations on this fairly new blog.
No Soy Job who has five wonderful blogs, with loads of Miniatures.
And last but not least is Silke Janas-Schlooesser, who has seven blogs. You really must go and look at all of them the sculpt's are beautiful..
Please go and say Hi...


  1. Wow, you do have so many followers, how neat, you do have a wonderful blog to follow!! :)

  2. Thank you for the warm welcome! How surprising!
