Friday 30 January 2009

Kat The Hat....

I've just had an email from Kat from Kat The Hat..
Here's a copy of the email:-

Hi Everyone,
Just to let you know I have added a Witches hat pattern on my blog page for any of you you fancy a go! Please pass my blog address to any of your friends who might find it interesting.
I will be concentrating on my blog this year adding new lines I am selling on eBay plus things I am making for my Witches house. I shall also be sharing my ideas and tips on how to make your very own creations. Plus adding new websites I have found and miniature news. I shall also be adding updates on fab items seen in magazines and in the media. Plus a bit of chatter and general moaning ha ha ha!
My blog page is now going to be a replacement for my website which takes me far to long to alter and update! You can still however see some of my past work on my website
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions and please keep in touch I love hearing from you all.
LOL to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kat the hat lady:-)

If you've never seen Kat's fantastic Hat's I suggest you go over to her blog and have a look. I'm one of the lucky ones, who have quite a few of Kats hats in my collection.. Their Magical..............

1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful hats! I'm so sorry I haven't been over for a while - it's been hard work even keeping my blog up to date, never mind visiting people!
    I hope you're feeling better now. It's hard when you feel ill with animals to care for.
    Thanks so much for the award, I'm honoured.
