Sunday 25 January 2009

Nikki's Creations...

Nikki from Witch & Wizard Miniatures, emailed me this morning saying that she'd made me a lovely little sewing basket for Diagon Alley as a Thank you for the Cabbages. But it's no ordinary sewing basket, its a Witch's Sewing basket with Bone Knitting Needles.. How cool is that. Nikki you are so kind to do that for me. Its Naughty but very, very Nice..
If you click on the photo, it will come up bigger, so that you can see the detail..
Nikki is putting some of her new creations on Ebay this evening at around 6pm GMT. Click here for Nikki's Ebay Link..
Also just to let everyone know that Nikki, has also created another blog to showcase her work.
Here's the link:- Nikkinikkinikki 72 Photo Gallery...


  1. So beautifull, you must love it!
    Verry nice off Nikki too.

  2. she is so good, none like a witch but like a fairy
